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已有 51 次阅读2021-4-11 22:48 |个人分类:北美生活

用地区分布和族群人口数量来限制真正在素质上出类拔萃的好的学生入学,只能产生差生  Using regional distribution and population size to limit the good students who are truly outstanding in quality, can only produce poor students.

上次讲美国顶尖学校,用地区分布和族群人口数量来限制真正在素质上出类拔萃的好的学生入学!于是想起我给Jackie讲的话,上帝看不见你的肤色,你的容貌,你的家庭背景,甚至你的年龄,祂只关心你是不是按着他的法则做事...”. 自然科学是最接近上帝的,社会科学虽然有人文文化传统宗教等不同的因素,会考虑人的接受方法和心理作用多一些但如果按照美国这种接受标准的话,那不是上帝的法则小布什是这样培养出来的,就是从他开始,才有钱尼和拉姆斯菲尔德这些没有经过战争的人,头脑发热,受后面那些被美国的互联网经济膨胀起来的,蠢蠢欲动军事力量所驱动,把美国一下子跌进战争,把整个美国拖下水如果小布什是一个有真才实学的人,至少像鲍威尔那样有点头脑,也不会那么毫无顾忌地冒天下之大不韪道德沦丧把美国引向战争真祸国殃民所以学校录取标准是不能这样的最近报纸上正面地报道希拉里开始多起来现在世界上很多国家有一波女性执政的浪潮,台湾的领导人是女性,昂山素姬也开始登台,英国新选出来的总理也是女性,所以如果美国选出一个女性总统,应该没有什么大惊小怪的新的产业革命,互联网技术,需要很多头脑清楚大胆心细,弹指一挥间,樯橹灰飞烟灭的人才女性就比较适合做这个,这不光是政治势力,是真正有改变世界的power. Jackie从小弹钢琴,所以练打字根本不费吹灰之力,小手每天在手机上给朋友发信息,话还没说完她的信息已经写完发出去了,而且连回信都来了如果他们不是几个人,而是一批人,一整个产业,就像当初工业革命把女性解放出来进入纺织厂一样,是对女性的一种职业生涯的革命!而如果对信息的有效快捷获取,都由女性掌握的话,那由女性做情报界领导也是自然而然的事情也许女性还可以平衡一下力量型的势力天主教崇拜玛丽亚,希拉里当总统,也可以尽大程度吸引安稳拉丁裔.


Last time I talked about the top schools in the United States, using regional distribution and the number of ethnic groups to limit the number of good students who are truly outstanding in quality to universities! So I remembered what I said to Jackie. "God can't see your skin color, your appearance, your family background, or even your age. It only cares if you are doing things according to its laws...". Natural science is the closest to God, although the social sciences have different factors such as culture, culture, tradition and religion, they will consider more of accepting people and psychological effects. But the acceptance criteria of the United States, it is not the law of God. Bush is cultivated in this way. It is from the beginning of his term that there are people who have not gone through war, such as Cheney and Rumsfeld, had feverish minds,  encouraged by the US Internet economy,  driven by military power, and led United States suddenly fall into the war and dragged the entire United States down. If Bush were a man with real talents, at least had a little mind as Powell, he would not be so unscrupulously take world for risk, withsorrow morality, leading the United States to war. The real disaster is the country! So the school admission criteria can't be like this. Recently, tore newspaper reported positively on Hillary. In many countries in the world, there is a wave of women in power. The leader of Taiwan is a woman. Aung San Suu Kyi also begins to be on stage. The newly elected prime minister in the UK is also a woman. So if the United States elects a female president, there should be no fuss. The new industrial revolution, Internet technology, requires a lot of clear-headed, bold and meticulous, and powerful fingers.Women are more suitable to do this, not only political forces, but also the power that really changes the world. Jackie played the piano from a early age, so the practice of typing is effortless. Her little hand sends a message to a friend on the mobile phone every day. Even she has not finished talking about her information, she has already finished writing it, and even the reply email has come. If they are not a few people, but a group of people, an entire industry, just like the industrial revolution liberated women into textile mills, is a revolution in women's career! And if the effective and quick access to information is mastered by women, it is natural for women to be leaders in the intelligence community. Maybe women can balance the forces of power. Catholic worship Maria, if Hillary is president, and can be as much as possible, to the mostdegree attract and stable Latinos.


我妈对共产党没有好感,由于出身成分和海外关系的缘故,她的青春在国内被耽误了,某些事情在心理上一旦越过一定的界限,就很难再扭转,会有一种心理定型我生在新中国长在红旗下,就像Jackie这样子开放的阳光灿烂的性格,不受横断阻拦,可以欢快的歌唱跳跃奔跑进取可来美以后,我看到这边许多亚洲人从小生长被环境扭曲的性格,像我的阳光性格反而成了异数可是这些年在那些粗暴的旁敲侧击或迎头痛击下, 我性格完全变了,变得内敛了.  我非常痛恨这边执政者的残忍狂暴,以及不分青红皂白毫无道理分寸的执法,还有这边无法无天,狂妄蛮横给人和环境造成莫大伤害的莽撞势力就是到现在,阴影还在, 鬼魅还在俩天前走路,还有人在我门前放奇怪的东西其实,这些年,我妈也构成那个阴影的一部分这也是我不愿和父母同住的原因之一我非常不喜欢这样的社会,不同的后台为着自己的价值和目的,把一个本该温暖的和睦的家庭撕裂,就是为了那些虚无缥缈的不同的意识形态要么是中国人的文化有问题,要么是我的家教有问题,要么这个社会出了大问题!母亲不认识到这一点,她被人利用了.  88,其实我感觉我也是在被利用来对付王的,只是我比较牛脾气,头脑还算清醒,有多的人生阅历了吧!我宽容母亲,我感恩母亲的养育,但我绝对不会把对这边野蛮势力的仇恨带给下一代,我要教会Jackie爱,希望她长大有能力改变这个世界,消灭减少不同势力的冲突,理顺不同的意识形态,让家庭成为温暖的和谐的家庭,让社会成为安居乐业的社会装神弄鬼对谁都没好处看见报道说,中国解放军里现在有15个人跳楼自杀,习主席说这是把血性用错了地方!我觉得不是血性问题.  另一个感觉说,这不是中国人的血性,就像在国内最后几天,也太巧了吧,在平顺的交通公路上,会发生大巴和大卡车相撞俩个庞然大物相碰的几率应该是非常非常小的在上海有一群闹事的人,我一辈子都没见过, 却像疯狗一样叫嚣军方这些人不是单独的,应该是和那些人有关系在一起,受人控制才做这种残暴非人之事的就像墨西哥那些帮派的行事,就像ISIS,就像上面那个出手蛮横的狂野势力,都是一个模子里刻出来的,何曾把人命当回事儿呢?! 如果整个世界都是用象这样子的横暴来管理的话,不会安宁的我觉得这个世界有很大一层,就已经是在这种power控制下了,88,所以世界才需要王的形象


My mother doesn't like the Communist Party. Because of her birth family and overseas relations, her youth has been mistakenly ruined in China. Some things are psychologically difficult to reverse once they have crossed certain boundaries, there will form a psychological stereotype. Born in the new China, under the red flag, just like Jackie's open and sunny personality, without being blocked by the cross, I can sing and dance and run forward cheerfully. After coming to the United States, I saw many Asians growing up here, their distorted characters from the environment, even my sunshine character has become an odd number. However, these years under those rude, side-banging, or front hitting on head , my character has completely changed and become restrained. I really hate the cruelty and violences of the ruling party here, as well as the indiscriminate law enforcement , and the arrogance of the lawlessness that causes great harm to people and the environment. Even now, the shadows are still there, the ghosts are still there. Two days ago, there were people who put strange things in front of my door. In fact, these years, my mother also is part of that shadow. This is also my unwillingness to be living with my parents.  I really don't like this kind of society. Different backgrounds are for their own values and purposes. They tear a family that should be warm and harmonious, for the illusory different ideologies. Either the Chinese culture has problems, or there is a problem with my family education, or there is a big problem in this society! My mother did not realize this, she was used.

In fact, I feel that I am also being used to deal with Wang, but I am more tempered, my mind is still sober, a little more ofexperience!  I am tolerant to my mother. I am grateful to my mother for raising us. But I will never bring the hatred of the barbaric forces here to the next generation. I want to teach Jackie to love. I hope she grows up and has the ability to change the world and eliminate different forces’ conflicts, rationalize different ideologies, make the family a warm and harmonious place, and let the society become a society of peace and happiness. It is not good for anyone to play the ghosts. Seeing reports that 15 people in the Chinese People's Liberation Army have committed suicide by jumping off the building. President Xi said that this is using blood in the wrong place! I don't think it's a bloody problem. Another feeling is that this is not characters  of  Chinese. Was it  just a coincidence in our last few days in China, on the smooth traffic road, there would be a collision between the bus and the big truck? The probability of a behemoth touching should be very, very small. There were a group of troublemakers in Shanghai, whom I have never seen  in my life, but shout atme like a mad dog. These military officials are not alone, it should be related to those people. It’s controlled by someone to do this kind of cruel and inhumane things. Just like the gangs in Mexico, like ISIS, just like the arrogant wild forces above, they are all carved out in same mold, who really caresabout life? ! If the whole world is managed by a violent force like this, it will not be peaceful. I think there is a big layer in the world, it is already under the control of this power. 88, so the world needs the image of peaceful Wang. .







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