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已有 33 次阅读2021-4-9 22:46 |个人分类:全球化

Aug 15, 2016 at 5:56 PM



下面几十年,几百年,会是中国人向全球大迁移的世纪,会有从各种各样地区文化宗教传统产生的,中国人及中国文化的variations. In the following decades, hundreds of years, it will be a century in which the Chinese migrated to the world. There will be variations from Chinese and Chinese cultures arising from various regions' cultural and religious traditions.

中国人才开始variation,多的只有对美国的variation. 而自己人就开始撕逼,并不是为外面的后台老板. 88,昨天的短文可能有偏颇之处,向王深深作揖了,不针对个人,只是因为王不止是大牌,而且是天牌,用王的大名比较有巨大广告的效果尔!下面几十年,几百年,会是中国人向全球大迁移的世纪,会有从各种各样地区文化宗教传统产生的,中国人及中国文化的variations. 现在很多新来的中国人,基本上大多数对美国社会政治经济法律是不了解的,就连我们这些在这几十年的,也可以明明白白地说,很多地方是不了解的!无知就容易受骗,被人当枪使,来分裂族群,觉得在这方面犹太人的经验可借鉴.亲爱的习和王, Jackie要我讲三K党和美国黑人.  美国最大的问题是族裔间的冲突和矛盾以前是黑人和白人!美国警察随便枪杀黑人,其实美国警察对少数族群都是岐视的上次看见一个录像,一位持枪的警察对因为惊慌失措拿着菜刀往前跑的亚洲老年妇女,那位妇女根本都没看见警察警察让她把刀放下,她惊慌前行根本没听见,可能听见了也不懂,结果那位警察一枪把她给打死了!就打死了!我作为观众,看见这种情形,心里边每次都嘀咕,为什么非要把人打死不可?美国警察执法是不讲道理的,是不讲人性的,是不分青红皂白,是把人都视之为恶魔而必毙之而后快的!这些警察经过那么多的射击练习,对少年人,手无寸铁的人,或是手上有武器的人,只要有一点他们觉得不对劲,一视同仁毙之!他们开火的条件,是他们自己的标准,或者是警察学院的标准,可那些莫名其妙的,或者根本不是有意的,他们如何知道警察或学院的标准呢?而且警察完全可以打那些不伤害人命的部位,比如胳膊比如腿,让他不能移动,就行了,这些警察如此之草菅人命,这个法律太凶残!美国人从小在这种制度下长大,不光对警察,到哪儿,都循规蹈矩的世界上人梦想的什么自由,那只是在那些人的梦想里

Chinese talents began to vary, and only with variation of the United States. And their own people began to tear each other, not for the  boss outside in the background. 88, myyesterday's essay may be biased, bow to Wang  deeply. Itwas not against  any individuals, just because  Wang is not only a big name, but also a card from heaven, with Wang's name, there is a huge advertising effect! In the following decades, hundreds of years, it will be a century in which the Chinese migrated to the world. There will be variations from Chinese and Chinese cultures arising from various regions' cultural and religious traditions. Now many newcomer Chinese, basically, most of them do not understand American social political and economic laws. Even those of us who have been in these decades can clearly understand that many places do not understand! Ignorance is easy to be deceived, being shot by people, to split the ethnic group, I feel that the Jewish experience can be used for reference. Dear Xi and Wang, Jackie wants me to talk about the KKK and African Americans. The biggest problem in the United States is inter-ethnic conflicts and contradictions. Used to be black and white! The American police shot the blacks casually. In fact, the US police are contemptuous of the minority. The last time I saw a video, a policeman with a gun was aiming at the Asian old woman who was running around with a kitchen knife because of panic. Maybe she didn't see the police. The police let her put the knife down. She didn't hear it when she panicked. She probably couldn't understand it. As a result, the policeman shot her to death! Just killed! As an audience, I saw this situation, and every time I was embarrassed in my heart, why did he have to kill people? The law enforcement of the US police is unreasonable. It is not humanistic. It is indiscriminate, and it is a must to treat people as demons. These police officers have gone through so many shooting exercises. For young people, unarmed people, or those with weapons on their hands, as long as they feel that something is wrong, they will treat them equally, kill! The conditions for their firing are their own standards, or the standards of the police academy, but those that are inexplicable or not intentional at all. How do they know the standards of the police or the college? And the police can shot parts that don't hurt people's lives, such as arms, such as legs, so that he can't move, just fine. These policemen are so ruthless, this law is too cruel! Americans grew up under this system from an early age, not only to the police, but also wherever they are. What freedoms people dream of in the world, it is only in those people's dreams.


现在最大的族群间的矛盾不是黑人和白人,而是拉丁裔和非拉丁裔以前的白人3K党,早就销声匿迹多时,或者干脆就跟拉丁裔的白墨帮派同流合污了!上次去参加那个帮派的聚会,参加的人大多数都是白人模样的,领头的是个近80多岁的老头,边上坐着一个30岁左右的,金发碧眼的白人漂亮女子,看上去不像是女儿,可能是太太或情人他们要比黑人帮派,有更高的教育背景,更强的组织能力,更心狠手辣他们的目的不是要杀黑人,是要贩毒,跟政府做交易,扩大他们的地盘,做他们的黑道生意.  应该说美国的民主党在争取黑人和拉丁裔族群支持上是做得比较成功的!美国的政治早已变天了!拉丁裔在美国政坛举足轻重的昨天在网上又看到一个希拉里的经济振兴计划,说要以后美国的大学对美国人免费,说要把旧的基础设施更新换代,说要进行更多的第一第二产业投资,把工作机会拉回美国!说得很好听,钱从哪里来呀?从军费预算里扣吗?对美国人大学免费就能提高人口素质吗?你在高层次投资,美国的人才有吗?曾经听说过,苹果公司根本不可能在美国开像在中国深圳那样的assembly line, 因为没有这样的人才.谁知道现在美国整体的经济结构,就业人口的配备情况?谁知道需要什么新产业,要多少人,多少投资,多大市场?谁知道要培养什么样的人才,要多少,怎么培养这些都应该是象你们智囊团的人规划的,希拉里和川普后面的人,真的明白吗?他们有这个能力吗?他们能拿得到数据吗?黑人不像拉丁裔那样,有策略有规划,大规模行动,可能平均素质低但是我觉得如果你们要开发非洲,选择这边的黑人加以训练去那边做领袖,到是一个不坏的主意!可是这边三K党所投靠的很猖獗的拉丁裔帮派,却坚决要给他们收骨头的因为除了美国军方的杀人不眨眼的恐怖主义者,就是他们帮拉丁裔横行霸道啊!

The contradiction between the largest ethnic groups is not blacks and whites, but Latinos and non-Latins. The former white 3K party has been a long time since disappeared, or simply smeared with the Latino gangs! Last time I went to the party of the gang, most of the people who participated in it were white. The leader was an old man of nearly 80 years old. Sitting on the side of a 30-year-old, blond white pretty woman, it didn’t look like It’s a daughter, maybe a wife or a lover. They have a higher educational background, a stronger organizational ability, and a more heart-wrenching than a black gang. Their purpose is not to kill black people, to drug trafficking, to trade with the government, to expand them. The site, do their gangster business. It should be said that the Democratic Party of the United States is more successful in winning support for blacks and Latinos! The politics of the United States has already changed! Latino is very important in American politics. Yesterday I saw a Hillary economic revitalization plan on the Internet, saying that in the future, American universities are free to Americans, saying that they should upgrade the old infrastructure and say that they need to carry out more Primary and secondary industry investment, pulling job opportunities back to the United States! Sounds very good, but where does the money come from? Is it deducted from the military budget? Is it free for American colleges to improve the quality of the population? Are you investing at a high level, do you have American talent? I have heard that it is impossible for Apple to open here in US an assembly line like the one in Shenzhen, China, because there is no such talent here. Who knows the current economic structure of the United States and the employment situation of the employed population? Who knows what new industries are needed, how many people, how much investment, how big is the market? Who knows what kind of talents to train, how many, how to cultivate? These should be planned by people like your think tanks. Do you really understand the people behind Hillary and Trump? Do they have this ability? Can they get the data? Unlike blacks, Latinos have strategies and planning, and large-scale actions may have low average quality. But I think if you want to develop Africa, choose black people here to train and go there to be leaders, it’s not a bad idea. ! However,  the savage Latino gangs that the KKK has relied on here are definitely needed to be restrained. Because apart from the cruel terrorists of the US military, it isthem helping the Latinos to arrogate!






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