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已有 134 次阅读2021-3-1 09:41



China has culture and history even deeper longer then Indian culture with such big varieties! This time we went to central province of China! There was a Wang's family courtyard, built in 13 century! It was called a residential forbidden city because of its big scale and complex architecture. When we visited the Amber palace in India, built in 17th century, we were lost in the complicated labyrinth palace settings, we couldn't find a way out. I told little girl that, if Steven wants to shoot a mysterious movies, this is a good location! However, Wang's family court yard is even older, finer architecture and larger scale! So you know what I recommend for you! Miles away from Wangs familycourtyard, there is another hanging temple built in the middle on side of the cliffIt is really scary, reminds me of those houses on Mulholland Drive, but much higher and lean on cliff, not on top!  I was imagining an interesting unusual family story, happened inside deep in the courtyard which has something to do with the hanging temple on the mouthing miles away! If there were a story! Big family, Power struggle, new born kids, hidden treasure, isolated old monk in the temple, even a pretty girl hidden in another temple on top of the mountain in the clouds .... I would very much like to see this movie, if someone could be creative enough to make it an interesting one! Steven you know what I mean....樂

我们还去看了一个佛教巨大的石窟,这让我们更加惊讶! 我们不敢相信我们在中国,而中国人就这些特色! 此外,中国有几个佛教基地,这一次我们去的地方受西藏和印度的影响很大。 无论壁画和雕刻的巨大雕塑让我想起约旦的佩特拉,这些雕像都不是中国人。 我在想,有会讲故事的宝莱坞人,还有会讲故事的好莱坞人,从中国西部到西藏和印度,从佛教基地到数百个石窟雕佛,必有伟大的故事他们可以去讲。 这些故事突破时间线,可以历史 ,宗教,文化,想象力,科学,爱情故事,冒险,惊险刺激,喜剧,任何东西,有趣和有吸引力,感人和辉煌,史蒂文,你想在那里拍电影吗? 印度和中国就有三分之一的世界观众,非常希望看到这些故事,呵呵呵呵


We also went to see a Buddhist huge grotto, which makes us even more astonished! We can not believe we were in china, and Chinese made those features! Also, China has several Buddhism bases, This time the one we went to has very strong influence from Tibet and India. No matter the murals and carved huge sculpture (very much reminds me of Petra in Jordan), those characters are not Chinese at all. I was thinking, with good story telling people from Bollywood, Great special effects people from Hollywood, from west China to Tibet  and India, from Buddhist base to hundreds grotto carved Buddhas, there must be great stories, breakthrough the time line, can be historical, religious, cultural,  imaginative, Scientific, Love story, adventure, thrill, comedy , anything , anything , interesting and attractive,  touching and splendid, Steven, do you want to make movies there? Just India and China, 1/3 of the world audience, would very much like to see the stories , hehehehe






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