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已有 133 次阅读2021-3-1 09:39 |个人分类:全球化

制作这么多电影的宝莱坞人,更了解如何触动人心。Bollywood people who make so many movies know more about how to touch people‘s heart



However, recent years, maybe I'm getting old,  movies I saw with my girl, which were so exciting and interesting, yet did not last long in my mind! I memorize more of their techniques and scene settings rather than the stories! I just can't remember what it is about afterwards, and some movies are so similar!  This time in the plane on the way to India, I saw several Indian movies! Some movies even have the settings can compare to Hollywood movies. I was deeply moved by a movie talking about a dumb  Pakistan girl lost and got saved by an Indian young men who escorted her home and made her talking ! There was no special technique and that was such a regular life scene, the noisy crowded village and temple, the crazy military and political officials, but it showed such a colorful and the complicated cultures religions in both countries, it showed genuine human nature, I was crying when I watched it! I'm not kidding. It has been a long time, I don't even remember which American movie can touch me that much! Bollywood people, making so many movies, know better how to touch peoples hearts. 






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