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已有 119 次阅读2021-3-1 09:38 |个人分类:北美生活

Jul 20, 2016 at 5:02 PM


Steven Jeff and David:

*好莱坞电影不仅仅是一种视觉艺术,还有所有美国文化和价值观!  Hollywood movies are more than just a visual art, but all American culture and values!


好久不见,有什么有趣的新电影吗?Jackie告诉我, 你推荐了一个电影,她本周末会和她的朋友一起去看看!如果你问我,我怎么看待好莱坞与中国合作? Mnnnn,我想你已经得到了答案,我的问题是,如果你的电影可以触及并激发数十亿,你会更高兴吗?我喜欢美国电影!洛杉矶有一个名叫好莱坞的地方,那里的电影世界上没有其他人可以超越他们的想象力和技术!没有人!在我第一年来美之后的第一个期末考后,我做的第一件事就是去看电影,看了8个小时,连续看了3部电影!然后回家睡觉是脑风暴!那是我当时唯一的娱乐!那些电影让我很惊讶!他们的故事讲述方式,音乐,场景设置的想象力以及呈现如此不切实际但规模庞大的复杂创意技术, 令人惊讶,这些都没有人见过VR世界!它是不同的文化,我也不熟悉那些故事和生活。中国人仍然认为美国电影是从天而降,特别是那些经典的奥斯卡获奖电影。我喜欢印第安纳琼斯,ET,侏罗纪公园,小美人鱼,风中奇缘和阿诺德施瓦辛格“我会回来的!” 。电影不仅仅是一种视觉艺术,还有所有美国文化和价值观!


Long time  no see, any interesting new movies? Jackie has told me there is one you recommended, and she is going to see it with her friends this weekend! If you ask me, what do I think about making movies with China? Mnnnn, I think you already got the answer, my question is, will you be even happier if your movies can touch and inspire billions more?  I love America movies! There's a place called Hollywood in Los Angeles where movies come from there that no one else in the world can overpass their imaginations and techniques! No one!  The first year when I was here, after the first final, the first thing I did was going to the cinema, watching 8 hours, three movies in a run! Then went home hit the sack! What a brain storm!My only entertainment then! I was astonished by those movies! Surprised by the way of their story telling, the music, the imagination of scene setting, and the technique to present such an unrealistic but huge scale complicated creative that no one have ever seen VR world!  Even though it's different culture, those stories and lives were not familiar by me. Chinese people still think American movies are from heaven, especially those classic Oscar winner movies. I like Indiana Jones, ET, Jurassic Park, Little mermaid, Pocahontas, and  Arnold Schwarzenegger"I will be back!" . Movies are not just a visual arts, there are all American culture and values into it! 






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