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已有 88 次阅读2021-3-1 09:37 |个人分类:全球化

国外的男孩子要找的也就是视觉上的美女,因为在精神层次上, 他们没有共鸣的条件 What foreign boys are looking for is visual beauty, because at the spiritual level, they have no conditions of resonance.


既然无法在高层的精神思想境界互相共鸣,中国一流的人才不太可能找到美国一流的配偶!我觉得中国如果要把女孩子嫁出去,应该学学委内瑞拉,泰国!委内瑞拉有专门培训选美的课程,可以把素质好的女孩子训练成选美的冠军!而泰国更胜一筹居然可以把男孩子改造成大美女!其实国外的男孩子要找的也就是视觉上的美女,因为在精神层次上他们没有共鸣的条件!而且很多军方人士,因为生活闭塞,接触社会有限,更因自身修养不够,更容易垂青容易得手的美女!中国女子基因是苗条的,又有那么多美女,那么多形体美妙的演艺人员,只要稍微对他们进行外语的培养训练,稍微给他们补一些国外文化的背景,让他们学会按摩,作外国餐,理家,然后做一个保险经纪或者销售什么的,他们嫁给老外的成功率是非常高的!军方人士是非常欢迎的!这边人追捧中国美女远胜过拉丁女子呢,因为素质高也听话!不信可以试试! 多送些艺校美女来留学就好了!就会不战而降人之兵!


Since it is impossible to resonate with each other in high-level spiritual fields, Chinese top talents are unlikely to find the best spouses in the United States! I think if Chinese want to marry  girls out, they should learn Venezuela, Thailand! Venezuela has a special training program for beauty contests, which can train good quality girls into beauty contest winners! And Thailand is even better, they can actually transform a boy into a super beauty! In fact, the boys in foreign countries are looking for visual beauty, because at the spiritual level, they have no conditions for resonance! Moreover, many military personnel, because of life occlusion, limited contact with the society, but also because of their self-cultivation is not enough, it is easier to favor the beautiful women and easy establish successful relationship! Chinese women's genes are slim, there are so many beautiful women, so many wonderful performers, as long as they are trained in foreign languages,  a little foreign cultural background, let them learn to massage, cook for foreign meals, house management, then be  insurance brokers or sales, their success rate of marrying foreigners is very high! Military personnel must very welcome them! Americans chasing Chinese beauty are far better than chasing Latin women, because of their  quality and obedience! Do not believe it? Can just try! Send more art school beauty to study abroad!  Then no more war fight!






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