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已有 93 次阅读2021-3-1 09:36 |个人分类:全球化

犹太人和中国人注重教育  Jews and Chinese focus on education


犹太人和中国人的价值比较近些,因为犹太人注重教育,一般犹太人母亲是不在外做工的,家里生好几个孩子,从小犹太人就在犹太教会家庭的全力支持下,接受很好的教育,进入好的名校,长大在犹太人圈子里做生意,赚大钱!所以他们对女子的教育背景比较看重,胜过女子的家庭背景,因为这关系到将来子女的教育水平!犹太女子一般不太运动,从小每个星期礼拜堂聚会又有很多好吃的,所以会胖一点! 总之无论哪一个种族,宗教背景,因为美国人比较高傲,如果在美国长大的话,他们是不会对国外的其他种族和文化有兴趣的,所以也不了解他们从小是运动和听着流行乐,看好莱坞电影长大的,这就是他们的娱乐世界!他们不会理解中国那些精英孩子们的视野和宏伟抱负,也不会有中国一流孩子们的知识结构中国一流孩子们从小就是头悬梁锥刺股每天做功课到半夜,读书万卷的美国孩子,再好的,也没有他们的层次!当然美国孩子的英文,是大陆孩子没法竞争的!而且在美国成长的孩子,是在美国对世界的价值观中成长起来的,跟世界现实是有一段差距的!


The value of Jews and Chinese is relatively close. Because Jews pay attention to education, the Jewish mother is not working outside. Normally Jewish family has several children. From the small Jews, with the full support of the Jewish church and the family, they received a good education, entered a good prestigious school, grew up to do business in the Jewish circle, and made big money! Therefore, they value the women's educational background more than the woman's family background, because it is related to the education level of the children in the future! Jewish women are generally not very active. Since childhood, there are many synagogue gatherings with delicious food, so they would be little fatter! In short, no matter which race or religious background, because Americans are more proud, if you grow up in the United States, you would mostly not be interested in other races and cultures abroad, so Americans don’t understand outside worldthat well, Americans are good at sportsgrow up listening to pop musicwatching Hollywood movies , this is American entertainment world! They will not understand the vision and grand ambitions of the elite children in China, nor will they have the knowledge structure of the first-class children in Chinawho would be able to do their homework every night until midnight, reading thousands of booksAmerican children, even the best, there is no same level as Chinesekids! Of course, the English of American children is no mainland children can compete! Moreover, the children who grew up in the United States with American values , and there is a gap between them and the reality of the world!






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