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已有 99 次阅读2021-2-22 08:28 |个人分类:中国

有人在上海我的住处羞辱我  Someone humiliated me at my residence in Shanghai University.


宾馆来了一群老人闹事,不去学校行政办公楼, 却来这里挡路使客人没法上下电梯. 我对楼下本来很疯狂的领头者喊话,要用头脑想一想,别作别人的狗和工具,因为什么也得不到,活一大把年纪,要有智慧.”他们听了平静许多退了. 居然有人专门攻击我好象特别知道我的故事一样,说我不要脸. 我跟他们说,有本事你也站出去秀,也很想看啊!在这儿干嘛呢?” 哑了!看那一群向我伸出爪子的,怎么就那么象Zambee 呀!后台老板,就是同一批人,只识弯弓射大雕,一直就是用肚脐眼以下思考的,又能做什么好事?我看着他们笑了,哈哈大笑,中国人,为啥那么可怜的,可悲的. 六七十岁老人,吃不好,睡不好的,在这边为别人挺着警察,学校,配合演戏,就像昨天车祸,于我们是皮毛,于他们各方,是痛是血. 以为会有结果?!一群傻逼!就像普京说的,“如果有人自己想找死,我们是不会救的,就让他去了! ” 人的免疫系统有自我清理的功能,让他们把恶能量自我消耗掉,到时再清理门户,也许这也是挺好的, 更有效的办法. 我是挺享受这种看戏过程的偶尔跑跑龙套过过戏瘾, 也不错. 但是,最好把他们的恶能之火引向他们主子,因为他们主子才是吹魔笛的呀! 

It came a group of old people to make troubles, not to go to the school administrative office building, but came here to block the road so that the guests could not get up and down the elevator. I shouted to the leader who was crazy at the downstairs. Think about it, don't be a dog or a tool for others, because you can't get anything. You have to live a old age and should have wisdom." They listened, calmed a lot, and withdrew. But someone actually attacked me, as if she knew  specifically my story insulting methat I don't have a face. I told them, "If you have the ability to stand up and show off, even I want to see it! What are you doing here?" Dumb! Seeing that group of people sticking out their claws, it is like Zambezi! The boss in the background is the same group of people who only at primitive stone agesorhave always been thinking using parts under the belly buttonHow good things can be done by them? I watched them laugh, laughed, poor Chinese, I felt sad. They were sixty or seventy-year-older,  couldn't eat well, couldn't sleep well, stayed here all day long for others. Local Police and schoolwere cooperating actingJust like yesterday’s car accident, even though it only touched out skin, on all sides, it was painful, it was bloody. Would there  be good results? ! A group of fools! As Putin said, "If someone wants to die, we will not save him, let him go!" The human immune system has a self-cleaning function that allows them to consume the evil energy itself. Clean up the portal, maybe this is also a very good, more effective way. I am quite enjoying this kind of watching process, and occasionally playing a small supporting role forenjoyment, it is not bad. However, it is best to lead their evil fire to their master, because their master was the one blowing the magic flute!






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