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已有 113 次阅读2021-2-22 08:25 |个人分类:全球化

Jul 10, 2016 at 3:24 AM

印度人不会那么愚蠢疯狂的  Indians are not so stupid and crazy


我相信我的第六感,不用人告诉我,我会判断. 因为事情有其自身轨迹,规律,上帝的法则. 就象蜘蛛凭八个脚的波动触觉,就知道目标在哪方向,多远雷达,声纳就这原理. 走之前,就预感有事发生,快到回程了,有人要抓狂了!权力重组,以前苦心孤诣巴结来的, 从主子那儿赏狗般得到的地位,因为上层的重构被剥夺而沦为牺牲品主子无可奈何却又心有不甘,让垂死挣扎的属下再去最后疯狂!主子是不会管他们死活的,其实也跟本不把他们当事,作工具来用的,现在想借新掌权者之手处理他们罢了. 或引起这边大内讧,也想得渔翁之利呀. 你们的政治智慧够吗? 在印度,印度导游侃侃而谈,讲现在印度政府怎么大力支持发展旅游业,改善经济. 我问,如果有人故意捣乱怎么办,跟队里那些无赖那样胡搅蛮缠怎么办?” 印度导游很愤怒,自信地高声说,印度人不会那么愚蠢疯狂的!中国人复杂呀. 印度有宗教传统.


I believe in my sixth sense, no one tells me, I will judge. Because things have their own trajectories, laws, according to the laws of God. Just like spiders with eight feet of undulating touch, they know where the target is, how far. Radar, sonar are the same principle. Before going China, I foreboded something happeningI am almost coming back, but someone is going crazy! Reorganization of power, letting the former painstakingly come from the master, the status from the master gotten like a dog, because the reconstruction of the upper layer will be deprived and become a victim. Master is helpless, but the heart is unwilling, let the dying subordinate go to the last madness ! The master will not take care of them. In fact, master uses them as tools. Now master wants to deal with them by the hands of the new power. Or cause the conflict of this side, so as to get fishermen benefits of bothside. Yeah. Is your political wisdom enough? In India, Indian tour guides talked about how the Indian government is now strongly supporting the development of tourism and improving the economy. I asked, “What if someone deliberately messes up and like rogues in the team?” The Indian tour guide is angry, and confidently said loudly, "Indians are not so stupid and crazy!" Chinese people are complicated. India has religious traditions.






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