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已有 134 次阅读2021-1-20 14:47 |个人分类:北美生活

May 4, 2016 at 4:21 PM


美国政治越玩越肮脏,让华人干dirty job  American politics is more and more dirty, let Chinese dry dirty job


亲: 谢谢王昨天给Jackie看东京的图片. 去日本没有多少时间,所以也没有好好地看日本. 东京地标银座还有日本皇宫,都是很想往的地方,没有来得及去. 下次吧....Jackie说她喜欢东京的城市风景! 今天在微信里,华人川普支持团,有人放希拉里的非常性感的露体照, 与川普的太太相比较,问说, 下一个八年看哪一个漂亮. 还有将希拉里跟希特勒照排一起,说他们讲话相似. 有人抗议说, 这个很low (下贱),可是群主却笑嘻嘻辩护说,这是艺术. 我在想, 是不是美国这边玩政治已经到了不择手段的地步,因为川普已经为他将他太太和克鲁兹夫人照片放在一起作比较, 做了道歉. 这是选总统,不是选美!可是华人社团这样做,我怀疑是有人背后操纵, 存心给川普添堵的. 这种人身攻击方法, 这些年是鬼一直让我经受过的,难道华人非得要这样支持川普吗?华人就是这般无赖吗?华人难道不知道,不会,不想去,怎么在政治上, 战略上, 政策上为川普广做宣传, 获得民心吗?非要用这种下三滥手段,去攻击对手吗?那华人成了一群什么东西呢?谁在后面操纵的,让华人干dirty job, 那会成事不足败事有余啊!



Dear: Thank you, Wang  showed Jackie a picture of Tokyo yesterday. I didn’t have much time to go to Japan, so I didn’t have a good tour at Japan. Tokyo’s landmark Ginza and the Japanese Imperial Palace are all places I want to go. I have no time to go. Next time. ...Jackie said she likes the city view of Tokyo! Today in WeChat, the Chinese Trump support group, someone puts Hillary's very sexy body photo, compared with Trump's wife, and asked which one to look beautiful in the next eight years.  Also, others put Hillary and Hitler's photo together, saying that they spoke similarly. This is very low (squatting), but the group owner smiled and said that this is art. I am thinking, is it that the United States playing politics has reached the point of unscrupulous, because Trump has already  made an apology for comparing his wife and Mrs. Cruz’s photo. This is run for president, not the beauty pageant! However, the Chinese community has done this. I suspect that there are people behind it, and they are trying to add trouble  to Trump. This kind of personal attack method, all these years  ghosts  have always let me experience, is it necessary way for  Chinese to support Trump? Is  Chinese a rogue? Do Chinese people don’t know, don’t, don’t want to, how do help Trump in politics, in strategy, and in , to get people’s hearts?  Do you have to use this extremely low methods to attack your opponent? What kind of people  Chinese become? Who is behind the operation, let the Chinese do dirty jobs? It will be insufficient to succeed or more than enough to defeat!






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