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已有 179 次阅读2021-1-11 12:59 |个人分类:中国

Apr 30, 2016 at 2:24 PM


中国政治及政治运作应该高科技电子化,  China’s politics and political operations should be high-tech e - office


昨天晚上Jackie告诉我,你跟她讲了中国历史上十个最重要的朝代,夏商周,秦汉唐宋元明清,而且是用英文告诉她的,哎,不错哎,能用英文啊. 要坚持噢,下次还要讲每个朝代的细节的,还要吸引人的.  Jackie说, 你们要我写中国的政治.开始抓耳挠腮了,开始绞尽脑汁,开始捜肠括肚了. 在中国谁是举国仰望,世界注目,威加海内的党政军三军统帅?谁是智囊第一人大文胆,你们是让我现丑呀,啊呀呀.......下次问你牛顿三大定律是啥,还要用英文写出来. 今天看见白宫的facebook 网页上新加一段观频,一位女发言人先声夺人,抢了原发言人的位置发表讲话. 当然这是个玩笑插曲. 上次还发生了在白宫新闻发布会进行中间,总统奥巴马突然现身,声称担心白宫发言人可能词不达意,于是亲自出来说明清楚,以示重要


Jackie told me last night that you told her about the ten most important dynasties in Chinese history, Xia Shang Zhou, Qin Han, Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, and told her in English, hey, yes, you can use English. Be persevere,  next time you want to talk about the details of each dynasty, it’s also fascinating. Jackie said, you want me to write about Chinese politics. I started scratching my head and started to squeeze juice from my brains and start to push food from my stomach. In Chinawho has been respected, gets attention ofthe whole world, and the top powerful leader of party, government, and army? Who is the first lead of Chinese think tank, famous author? You make me show shortage, ah ah....... Next time I will ask you guys Newton's three laws,  also write in English. Today, I saw a new section of the White House’s facebook page. A spokeswoman took the lead and robbed the original speaker’s position. Of course, this is a joke episode. Last time there was a press conference at the White House, President Obama suddenly appeared. It is said that he is worried that the White House spokesperson may not be able to express his words, so he personally came out and explained clearly to show its importance!






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