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已有 161 次阅读2020-11-27 10:27 |个人分类:北美生活

印度设计总体的发展规划 Indian designs overall development plan


美国的印度人有那么聪明的头脑能够设计一个整个社会的中枢神经系统,那也应该有这样的才能为印度设计总体的发展规划,可以一步一步地,优化选择特别的行业从而带动整体的发展当然也可以咨询你们的看法,因为你们毕竟有经验!但归根结底这是他们自己的事情!我最想看到的就是有一天你们能和宝莱坞合作,拍一个印度公主和藏族男孩的故事有那么多人, 那么长的历史, 可不可以把中国以前的那么多神话故事还有印度的神的故事,摩诃婆罗多的故事,都一点一点地变成动画呢?现在心理学那么风行,可不可以研究用意念来创造实现?比如说象吉尼一样,"I want a boy friend....." 然后就可以看着电脑,用意志控制,从里面选一个模特,然后示意3D打印把人打印出来,今晚共度春宵.


The Indians in the United States are so intelligent that they can design a central nervous system for the whole society. They should also have such talents to design an overall development plan for India which can step by step optimize the selection of special industries, thus driving the wholedevelopment. Of course, they can also ask for your opinion, because you are very experienced after all! But in the final analysis, this is their own thing! What I want to see the most is that one day you can work with Bollywood, take a story of an Indian princess and a Tibetan boy. There are so many people, so long history, can you turn the stories of so many Chinese legends and the stories of the gods of India and the story of Mahabharata into animations one by one? Now that psychology is so popular, can you study the use of ideas to create realization? For example, like Gini, "I want a boy friend....." Then you can look at the computer, control with the will, choose a model from inside, and then signal 3D printing to print out a person, to spend the spring tonight together .






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