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已有 134 次阅读2020-11-27 10:24 |个人分类:全球化

Feb 28, 2016 at 10:29 PM


印度人的服务意识强 Indians have a strong sense of service


再写印度. 在印度的印度人和在美国的印度人不一样!人太多了,而且贫富不均又有种姓制度. 象中国几十年前一样,印度的工业基础薄弱,能生产的东西不多.你看的军工,部件都是从不同国家来的,组装起来操作时常会出事儿. 而且军工要花很多钱,国家不富裕不可能把很多资金用在军工上. 印度三个宗教没有一个象基督教那样唯我独尊. 印度教有三个大神,很多小神. 佛教也是天上除了如来佛还有一众神明. 宗教所反映的是现实,印度的宗教比较宽容,处世哲学比较温和,讲究内心平衡. 对老百姓来说有神明祭拜有东西吃还有娱乐就是好日子. 你看孟买街头,车水马龙,并不是规规矩矩的. 恒河边焚烧尸体,把尸体放在浮排漂流, 同时还有在河水里沐浴净身的人们这一切都在同一条河里,基督教的神一定会认为不净,对印度人来说这样心灵灵魂才是干净的!而且印度都市里那些送中午盒饭的人,在一片混乱中仍然能够精确找到服务对象按时送达,可见印度人对定点服务意识而且办事效率高非常可靠. 我觉得,印度人需要一个规划,一个在空间和时间把事情安排得有条理的,至少是看上去有条理的设计,这样就让别人能够比较清楚地看到整个事情的规模和运作的过程,就能让人信服,就能更容易地拿到资金, 进行更进一步地大规模的投资开发. 


Write again about India. Indians in India are different from Indians in the United States! There are too many people, uneven between  rich and  poor, with caste system. Like China decades ago, India’s industrial foundation is weak and there are not many things they cannot produce. You see its military, the parts are from different countries, whenassembled and operated, it often has  accidents. And  military needs a lot of money, the country is not rich, it is impossible to spend a lot of money on military. There are three religions in India, none of which worships only one god like ChristianityHinduism has three great gods, many small gods. Buddhism is also, in addition to the Buddha in the heaven, there are also a number of gods. The religion reflects the reality. The religion of India is more tolerant. The philosophy of life is more moderate, and more emphasis on inner balance. For the common people, there are god for worshiping, things to eat, and entertainment is a good day. You look at the streets of Mumbai, the traffic is so busy, people are not well-behaved.Burning the body by the Ganges River, floating the body on the floating row, and bathing people in the river. All this is in the same river, the Christian god will certainly think it is not clean, but for the Indians,say, in this way, the soul and heartare clean! Moreover, those in the Indian city who are delivering lunch boxes can still find the destination accurately in the chaos,  on time. It is obvious that the Indians have a strong sense of fixed-object service, and the efficiency of the work is very reliable. I think  Indians need A plan, a plan that organizes things in space and time, at least a seemingly organized design, so that others can see more clearly that the scale and operation of the whole thing can make people convinced, it will be easier to get funds and carry out further large-scale investment development.






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