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已有 122 次阅读2020-11-27 10:18 |个人分类:全球化

亚洲乐器表现力强  Asian instruments are powerful


昨天在微信上看见我的同学去湾区阿里巴巴的美国分公司,几个中年美女在一起. 我不知道他们有没有这边的学历,我在想阿里巴巴是不是一个时装杂志出版社,我也不知道他们这些人是什么背景!但是我有一种感觉这边的人不太会用阿里巴巴.有些人适合在前台演出,有些人适合在幕后策划. 发挥各自所长最好!又想起上次那位俄国大帅哥被女友!是同一个人干的吗? 今天给你们寄了亚洲内部的波斯印度土耳其的乐器,还有各种鼓. 你看他们的乐器是那么丰富多彩,而且做出来的音乐是那么的细腻富有动感. 非洲的音乐节奏为主,用的都是大鼓而且踩的都是主要的点子!要表现细腻的各种情感,非洲鼓很难有这个效果!可是,你看中亚深部的乐器,伴随着几千年的文明,无论吹奏乐和鼓乐配合起来, 都可以表现许许多多各种的场景情感. 中国乐器琵琶,杨琴,月琴,笛子什么的乐器, 都是从西域传过来的. 光鼓就有五六种,各种声音的,有的一个鼓,前后可以敲出不同的声音. 光是手鼓打出来的节奏,声音就有好多层次,节奏更是跳跃的细碎的精巧的顺滑的,更何况几个鼓在一起加上别的乐器,真美妙!


Yesterday I saw my classmates on WeChat went to the US branch of Alibaba in the Bay Area. Several middle-aged women were together. I don't know if they have any qualifications here. I wonder if Alibaba is a fashion magazine publisher. I don't know what background these people are! But I have a feeling that people here are not very likely to use Alibaba. Some people are suitable for performing at the front desk, and some people are suitable for planning behind the scenes. It is best to show their own strengths! Also remembered that the last time Russian handsome gayanimator was made to be “married! Is it the same person whodid it? Today I am sending you PersianIndian, Turkish instruments, and various drums. You see that their instruments are so colorful, and the music they make is so delicate and dynamic. The music of Africa is rhythmicalmainly the drums, and emphasizing on main beat! To express delicate emotions, it is difficult for African drums to have this effect! However, if you look at musical instruments in Central Asia, along with thousands of years of civilization, both wind and drum music can express a variety of scenes and emotions. Chinese musical instruments, Yang Qin, Yueqin, flute or some other musical instruments, all from the Western Regions. There are five or six kinds of light drums, all kinds of sounds, some, one drum, you can knock out different sounds front and back. Just the rhythm of  tambourine, the sound has many levels, the rhythm is more jumping, fine, delicate, smooth, not to mention a few drums together, plus other instruments, really wonderful!


朝鲜族的鼓也好听,可是感染力和节奏不能与中亚的相比.记得这次过年春节晚会在西安展台也有群鼓,人多势众但是那个节奏有一点呆板,感觉好像站着一般而非动态起舞,不太活泼. 说一句个人的感想,亚洲深处的音乐充满能量和动感,要比现在央视那些音乐歌唱节目要好听多了!而跟这些音乐紧紧相连的舞蹈,那才是舞蹈,肚皮舞是性感的,维吾尔族是高贵的,印度舞是精细的,乌兹别克舞是优美的,有韵味. 很多中国人到了国外吃不惯当地的食品,别人说他们不融入当地社会其实原因是这样的,中国人的饮食是博大精深的,从小受中国食品味蕾训练出来,外面的再好的食物对中国人的舌头来说也是清淡寡味的,曾经沧海难为水. 如果你听了亚洲内地的音乐,那你就不喜欢听中国乐坛上一般的流行乐了,没味儿!不过瘾!


The Korean drums are also nice, but the appeal and rhythm cannot be compared with that of Central Asia. I remember thisyear Chinese New Year’s Eve party also had a group of drums in the Xi’an branch. There were many people in the crowd. But the rhythm was a bit stiff and it felt like standingstill. Generally speaking, not dynamic, it was not very lively. To say a personal impression, the music in Asia is full of energy and dynamics, and it is much better than the current CCTV music programs! Their dances that are closely connected with these music are real dances, sexy belly dance, noble Uighur, fine Indian dance, beautiful Uzbek dance, all have good charm. Many Chinese when dieting abroadthey are not used to local food. Others complain that they do not integrate into the local society. In fact, the reason is thisthe Chinese cuisine is profound and various. The taste buds have been trained by Chinese food since childhood. The best food outside is comparatively light and faint for Chinese tongue. Ifyou have been to the oceanyou do not mind small pool. If you listen to the music in  Asian mainland, then you don't like to listen to the general pop music in the Chinese music programs, no favor! Not enough!






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