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政治经济结构要适应当地的经济状况和条件, 经济才能发展

已有 27 次阅读2020-11-27 10:08 |个人分类:全球化

政治经济结构要适应当地的经济状况和条件, 经济才能发展 The political and economic structure must adapt to the local economic conditions and conditions, and the economy can develop.


不光是人才我觉得行业也是一样. 国家是行政区,有一定的政治经济结构. 这些政治经济结构要适应当地的经济状况和条件经济才能发展. 如果没有国家边界在全球范围内重新审视分析人口分布和当地经济社会条件,寻找适合的政治经济结构配当地的人口分布以及社会经济条件,并以此来划分行政区. 这可是大工程,有纸上谈兵的嫌疑. 还有以前上海博览会完了以后把很多馆都拆了我私下觉得应该保留部分或者引进新展品. 这儿每年一度博览会延续一个月,小孩子可以各种蔬菜水果植物,看刚生出来的小猪小牛小羊小动物,各种东西,玩各种东西. 上海那么多孩子就是开一个全年的博览会,应该都会有人去的. 你创造一个模式让其他国家的文化业者,小手工艺者,餐馆小店,也来这儿开分店,让孩子们可以接触其他的文化生活习俗等等. 以前上海有法租界英租界是殖民地的产物. 可是现在如果你能把这些东西保留发扬光大比如说专门设一个法国区像维加斯那样建巴黎铁塔将法国餐馆法国生活品味产品介绍进来,同时像美国一样培养代理人,对你只有好处没坏处!


Not only talent, I think the industry is the same way. The state is an administrative region with a certain political and economic structure. These political and economic structures must adapt to the local economic conditions and situations, then the economy can develop. If there is no national border, re-examine the analysis the population distribution and local economic and social conditions on a global scale, looking for a suitable political and economic structure to match the local population distribution and social and economic conditions, and to redivide the administrative district based on theanalysis results. This is a big project, what I say above issuspected of only paper talk. Also after the Shanghai Expo, you have dismantled many of the demonstration gallerias. I personally feel that you should keep some of the exhibits or introduce new exhibits. Here, the LA county annual fair lasts for one month. Children can see all kinds of plantsvegetables and fruits, see the newly born pigs, calves, small Sheep and other small animals, watching a variety of things, playing a variety of things. So many children in Shanghai, ifyou are opening a year-round fair, there should be someone to go. You create a business model, let other countries' cultural players, small craftsmen , restaurant shops, also come China to open branches, so that children can access other cultures, life, customs, etc. In the past, there was the French Concession in Shanghai, the British Concession, which was a product of the colony. But now if you can keep these things, carry them forward, and grow, for example, set up a French district, build a Paris Tower like Vegasintroduce French restaurants, French lifestyle products, and cultivating agents like the United States does, there is no harm to you!






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