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已有 66 次阅读2020-11-27 10:07 |个人分类:全球化

Feb 25, 2016 at 11:06 PM



世界经济变化需要不同的知道世界各地的政治经济文化等各种知识的人才 The changes in the world economy require different talents who know the political, economic, and cultural aspects of the world


中国的教育比较一刀切全国中小学教育的课本也是一刀切的. 那么多人去挤一窄门竞争压力太大了. 而且出来的人知识背景都差不多我觉得不应该是这样的. 就统计学来说任何事情都不是一个模制里刻出来的都是有一个概率分布的. 如果现在世界的经济变化需要不同的人才这些人才是需要知道世界各地的政治经济文化等各种知识的. 如果中国是培养提供人才的重要资源之一一刀切的统一教育课本和系统是不是不能适应这种需要?而且中国有那么多的少数民族,有些是和其他国家民族有相似的文化背景,是不是应该利用这个优势, 从这些少数民族中选拔培养擅长与其他地区交流沟通合作的人才?


There is a one-size-fits-all educational system in China. The textbooks for primary and secondary education in the country are also one-size-fits-all. So many people are going to squeeze a narrow door, and the competitive pressure is too great. And the people who come out the system have similar knowledge backgrounds. I think this should not be so. As far as statistics is concerned, nothing is carved out of one molding. There is a probability distribution. If the economic changes in the world now require different talents, these talents need to know various political, economic, and cultural knowledge from all over the world. If China is one of the important resources for cultivating talents, is it impossible to adapt to this need in a one-size-fit unified educational textbook and system? Moreover, there are so many ethnic minorities in China, some of which have similar cultural backgrounds with other nationalities. Should you also use this advantage to select and train talents who are good at communication, negotiation and cooperation with other regions?






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