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已有 114 次阅读2020-11-22 09:26 |个人分类:中国

中国有把经济逐步搞上去的智慧和经验  China has the wisdom and experience to gradually carry out the economy.


其实印度就像30年前的中国,所缺的就是那个系统化的权力机构,可以有效地分配资源资本人力,把经济逐步搞上去的那种智慧和经验!民主是空的!其实你们完全可以宣传你们的长项,直接了当向全世界宣传,不管你是发展中国家和发达国家,对任何政治体制,你们中国智库都知道怎么样运用智慧,有办法在他们现存的结构上,综合所有资源把经济搞上去!这是你们独一无二的,是中国人的招牌产品!是因为这个所以他们才对你们频送秋波的!欧洲人告诉我,法国和意大利,菜好吃衣服很花哨,可是东西,得用德国的!当一个国家和民族,注重于那些表面的花哨东西时,就要开始走下坡了!默克尔就是中国菜市场一大妈!中国有些人审美和价值绝对有问题!要多一些variety, 别少见多怪的!其实美国人这些年走下坡,跟美国文化好莱坞价值也很有关系!让Jackie学画,因为在脑部绘画的兴奋区和性爱的兴奋区是相邻的,是会给人带来愉悦的感觉!是不想让她受我受过的脑力折磨!算我胡说吧!


In fact, India is like China 30 years ago. What it lacks is the systematic authority and the wisdom and experience that can effectively allocate resources and capital and gradually bring the economy up! Democracy is nothing! In fact, Chinese thinktanks can fully publicize your strengths and directly promote it to the whole world. Whether you are a developing country or a developed country, for any political system, your Chinese think tanks know how to use wisdom, and there are ways to apply to their existing structures, all resources are integrated to bring the economy up! This is unique to you and is the signature product of the Chinese! Because of this, allcountries are so interested in you! Europeans told me that France and Italy, their food is delicious, the clothes are very fancy, but products, you have to use German! When a country and a nation pay attention to those superficial things, they must begin to go downhill! Merkel looks like a big mom in the Chinese supermarket! There are definitely problems with the aesthetics and values of some Chinese! More variety, don't be rare! In fact, the Americans have gone downhill these years, and they are also very much related to the Hollywood value of American culture! Let Jackie learn to paint, because the excitement area of brain painting and the excitement area of sex are adjacent, which will bring joy to people! I don't want her to suffer from the mentality I have suffered! Do I talk nonsense?






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