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已有 133 次阅读2020-11-22 09:25 |个人分类:全球化

世界从人文法律向科学智能控制过渡 The world transitions from human law to scientific intelligence control


我应该在这儿工作,可是这儿有偏见!为什么要把我放到这儿来呢?当整个世界是靠颜值来吃饭的时候,真正在后面操纵这个世界的,一定是没颜值的!我是做系统设计和软件的,你不知道当我看见美国军方还有政府官员坐在一起的时候,心里想的是,他们根本就不知道这个系统是怎么运作的,只要一个小小的指令就可以有惊天的世界改变!那些敲键盘的,是日积月累脑子被磨锋快的!是没有那么多时间来修饰颜值的!这个世界已经越来越从人文法律的上层建筑系统,向跟接近上帝的,科学的,数学的,严谨量化的,逻辑的,智能控制过渡!希望你们能体会,那种闪电般的高潮和超级完美的和谐,属于上帝! 是啊,我得找一份工作,现在我已经每天多跳跳,多走路,觉得轻松一点!刚刚跟Jackie夸耀,Jackie就把衣服揉成一团,放在胸前,“ look, I lost weight..."这是存心戏弄我呀,拿她没办法呀!其实我只要三个月,让我出去旅游吧,去看世界吧,每天爬山涉水,享受户外,我就可以瘦下来了!有可能吗?


I should work here, but there is bias here! Why are you putting me here? When the whole world is taking by face value, the real one  who manipulate the world behind must not be goodlooking! I am doing system design and software. You don't know, when I saw the US military and government officials sitting togetherwhat I thought was that they didn't even know how the system works, just a little commands can have a terrifying world change! Those who knocked on the keyboard were super smart! There is not so much time for them to modify their appearance! The world has increasingly transitioned from the superstructure system of human laws to the most close to God scientific, mathematical, rigorously quantified, logical, intelligent control! I hope that you can understand that the lightning-like climax and super perfect harmony belongs to God! Yes, I have to find a job. Now I have more activities and more walks every day. I feel a little easier! Just boasting with Jackie, Jackie smashed the clothes and put them on her chest. "Look, I lost weight..." This is on purposely to tease me, I am helpless! In fact, I only need three months, let me go out  travel, go to the world, climb the mountains and wading every day, enjoy the outdoors, I can slim down! Is it possible?






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