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开放互联网, 对外国产品开放市场有利发展中国文化

已有 111 次阅读2020-11-22 09:16 |个人分类:中国

开放互联网, 对外国产品开放市场有利发展中国文化  Open the Internet, opening up the market for foreign products is conducive to the development of Chinese culture


我觉得应该开放互联网让大家对外面有一个实在的认识. 平时互联网上是有许多糟粕的东西,但是因为民族的丰富性文化的丰富性地域的丰富性,对一个民族来说如果文化不能从外界吸收养料,封闭文化对民族的发展不利,就像花儿需要阳光和水分一样. 是不是美国让你们这样做的?那是扼杀中华民族呢!个人意见如果要孩子有创造力,虽然中华文化博大精深,虽然我对美国很有微词,可是这边人多文化多样. 因为平日里都有接触,即使不用功的孩子眼界也比较宽更何况你们要孩子有创造力! 现在国外的人来中国也多起来,我觉得政府是不是应该也有予见地,在不同地区组成一个一个的具有不同文化特色的集中区域 .比如上海有一个老外街,那边是上海西区的酒吧集中地, 是比较多外国人出没的地方. 因为国外商业区就是这个特色,他们习惯了. 也可以特别邀请中亚南亚的来中国开连锁餐厅加小卖部和住家,那中国的孩子就可以吃到世界各地的特色食,同时还可以买那边国家的特产,像沙县小吃那样开连锁店,投资也不用太大,一家人就可以应付. 这也是帮中亚南亚和其他地区产品在中国扩大市场,同时丰富中国的文化. 

I think you should open up the Internet and let everyone have a real understanding of the outside. Usually there are many things on the Internet, but because of so many nations, somany cultures, so many regions, for a nation, if culture cannot absorb nutrients from the outside world,  culture in closedenvironment is not good for the development of the nation,just as flowers need sunshine and moisture. Is the United States letting you do this? That is to kill the Chinese nation! Personal opinion. If you want your child to be creative, although the Chinese culture is profound and comprehensive, although I am very vocal about the United States, but here it has many cultures and diversities. Because children are intouch with the cultural diversities, even those who do not workhard can still have wider vision, not to mention the situationyou want your children to be creative! Nowadays, there are more people from abroad going China. I think the government should also have a long vision to form a concentrated area with different cultural characteristics in different regions. For example, there is a foreign street in Shanghai, and there is bar concentration district in Shanghai West where many foreigners are infested. Because foreign commercial districts are like that, foreigners are used to it. You can also invite Central  and South Asian to China to open chain restaurants, plus commissars and residences, so that Chinese children can have a taste of cuisines from all over the worldshop forspecialties of the worldEven open chain restaurants like Shaxian snacks, without big investmenta family can cope. This is also to help Central  South Asia and other regional products to expand in Chinese Market, while enriching Chinese culture.






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