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已有 91 次阅读2020-11-22 09:14 |个人分类:中国

Feb 17, 2016 at 10:03 PM

玈游模块化  Traveling modular


今天又下雨了,下得还挺大!洛杉矶不太下雨,所以居然有了留残荷听雨声的雅兴!其实残荷吗,就是后院那一棵大树宽大的叶子. 想起一件事. 在哥斯达黎加旅行的时候旅行社是这么安排的. 他们把整个行程不同的地点的活动做成票. 到哪个地方来接的导游就把有关那张票撕下来, 他负责你这个地方的所有活动. 然后要么开车送到下一个地点,要么把你送上交通车辆或飞机,让你自己去下一个地点. 所以整个国家你可以自己选要玩的地方然后一站一站玩过去. 而在国内不同,如果你跟哪个旅行社你就一定要从出发地城市到要去的城市玩完了一定得回来不可以两个不同地点的行程中间连起来. 为什么不可以?中国这么大,我每次都要回来浪费钱时间!不能改一改吗?比如我去西安,新疆,再到西藏再去云南,完了回上海!能够变得有弹性一点吗? 中国很大很丰富我要说错话了会得罪人请多多包涵!

It’s raining again today, it’s quite heavy! It’s not raining often in Los Angeles, so there is actually romantic feeling of the soundfrom remained leaves catching rain drips! In fact, the remained leaves are from big tree in the backyard. Think of one thingwhen traveled in Costa Rica, the travel agency arranged it in a special way. They made the activities of different locations throughout the trip into a ballot. Wherever you go, the guide who picks you up would tear off related ticket, he is responsible for all activities in that particulartourist site. Then he either drives to the next location, or sends you to a transportation vehicle or plane, let you go to the next location by yourselfSo the whole country you can choose the places to enjoy by yourself, and then visit one byone. In China, if you travel with a travel agency, you must go from the starting city to the city you want to go to. Come backthe original one, you can't connect in the middle of the trip between two different locations. Why not? China is so big, it isa waste money and time every time coming back original city! Can't you change it? For example, I want to go Xi'an, Xinjiang, then to Tibet, then to Yunnan, and returned to Shanghai! Can't you become more flexible? China is very big and rich. If I say something wrong  offending people. Please bear with me!






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