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已有 98 次阅读2020-11-22 09:05 |个人分类:创意

中国印度和日本联手,20年内就没有美国了.  China, India and Japan have joined forces and there will be no United States in 20 years.


中国有13亿人由于生活环境工作环境很多人在精神上受压抑. 中国的社会又比较功利, 一过分了人就容易走极端, 在人性上失去平衡. 可以和印度合作开办情感交流学习班,交流佛经精神,设meditation 场所, 练瑜珈功. 印度地处热带有很多山清水秀的地方可以忘掉自己理顺思绪. 印度人对数学的贡献非常大历史上有几位著名的天文学家数学家他们的建筑也非常有特色. 中国如果要成为一个国际化的国家,可以想象,应该预先为南亚文化的进入, 其实应该为所有特色文化在文化领域,生活领域,精神领域,人员来往,居住场所,留有一定的空间. 就好像在美国有小东京小越南中国城一样. 同时如果中国的理工学院,清华交如果不能和印度最高级的理工学院互相交流的话,那是一大遗憾. 中国是制造业大国,印度的崛起离不开制造大量产品,因为进口需要花很多的钱. 印度是信息大国,有许多技术可以和中国一起研发. 在工程技术高科技研发领域,如果亚洲的中国印度和日本可以联手的话,20年内就没有美国的影子了. 印度和中国都是人口大国,有人就会生病.印度因为卫生条件差很容易生病. 中国有完整中药系统,一大堆的中药,完全可以适合印度人的需要. 印度自己也有本土的医药宝库,东南亚更有很多特色医药,在泰国柬埔寨他们用专门草药制作的特效药清凉油大家都喜欢买. 如果在一起发掘藏药,本土医药这一块宝地的话,大众有福了!比起西药来这些药都是副作用小,药效高的!


There are 1.3 billion people in China. Due to the living and working environment, many people are mentally suppressed. Chinese society is more utilitarian. When it is too much, people tend to go extremes and lose balance in human nature. Can cooperate with India to start emotional exchange classes, exchange Buddhist scriptures, set up meditation places, practice yoga. India is located in the tropics, many places are beautiful, you may easily forget yourself, refresh your thoughts. Indians contributed a lot to mathematics, there were several famous astronomers and mathematicians in history, their architectures are also very distinctive. If China wants to become an international country, it can be imagined that introducing of South Asian culture to China, in fact, should introduce things in the field of all characteristic cultures,  in the field of life, and in spirit. In the field of peoplecommuting and residence, China should reserve a certain related spaces. It is like  small Tokyo,  small Vietnam,  Chinese town in the United States. At the same time, if  Chinese Polytechnic, Tsinghua Jiaotong University can not communicate with the most advanced science and technology college in Indiathat is a big regret. China is a big manufacturing country. The rise of India is inseparable from the manufacture of a large number of productsbecause imports cost a lot of money. India is a big information country, and there are many technologies that can be developed together with China. In engineering technology, high-tech research and development, if Asia, China, India and Japan can join forces, there will be no  United States in 20 years. India and China are both populous countries, and some people may get sick. India is very susceptible to illness because of poor sanitation. China has a complete Chinese medicine system, a large number of Chinese medicines, which can fully suit the needs of Indians. India also has local medicine treasury, Southeast Asia has a lot of specialty medicines. In Thailand, Cambodia, they use special medicines made with special herbs. Everyone likes to buymenthocamphorate oil. If you are still exploring Tibetan medicine together, the local medicine is a treasure, then the public is blessed! Compared with western medicine, these medicines have small side effects and high efficacy!






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