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已有 77 次阅读2020-11-22 09:04 |个人分类:全球化

中国修建超大佛像目的有点本末倒置  China’s construction of a super-large Buddha’s purpose is a bit of an upside down


中国应该也算佛教大国,近年来又在各地修建了很多大佛.可是我觉得中国的寺院,好像是旅游观光地,是圈钱的地方. 我觉得这有一点袭渎佛寺净地, 违背宗教本意. 在中国的寺院里有和尚念经是好事,但是好像没有专门介绍佛哲学,人生的道理,和开设对道德修养有关的课

程修炼等等. 我觉得有点本末倒置,捡了芝麻了西瓜. 以前看 “一休的故事,看日本的 “佛陀动画,看西游记,看星云法师讲佛,觉着佛教是一门很大的学问. 以前每一次教训Jackie说几句就说不下去了没词儿了Jackie听的也不受用. 每次去天主教堂复活节听他们演讲不止复活节,牧师可以侃侃而谈听众津津有味很舒服. 为什么呢?我想是其中的道理深入人心. 佛教的道理深奥又浅显易懂涵盖生活所有面. 佛教又不像基督教带着威严,约束,管教,严厉, 而是像妈妈象外婆,温温柔柔,平平顺顺抚平你心中的结. 让你把心中的窗户打开,让阳光洒进你的心田,使心田中的小苗慢慢地向上舒展. 佛教是中国从印度引进来的. 现在的印度还有很多人对中国人有敌意. 10年前军工里的印度同事跟我说,因为中国穷基础低所以发展才快, 他们是很妒忌的. 现在跟印度发展关系,可不可以在佛教的精神世界里先行,更可以以此把东南亚和日本凝聚起来?


China should also be regarded as a great Buddhist country. In recent years, many large Buddha statues have been built in various places. However, I think that the temples in China seem to be tourist attractions and commercial places. I think this is a bit of a smashing of the Buddhist temple and a violation of religius original intention. It is a good thing to have a monk chanting in a temple in China, but it seems that there is no special introduction to the philosophy of Buddhism, the truth of life, the education of courses related to moral cultivation, etc. I feel that the goal is upside down, andfocusing on sesame seeds putting aside big watermelon. I used to watch the story of "Ikkyū-san", watch the "Buddha" animation in Japan, watch the "Journey to the West", and see Hsing Yun Master talking about Buddhism. I feel that Buddhism is a great study. Every time I teach Jackie, I couldn’t say a few words, no words to go on, Jackie didn’t accept it either. Every time I go to Catholic Church to listen to their speeches, not only on Easter, the pastors can talk a lot, the audiences are very interested, very comfortable. Why? I think the reason is that deep in people's mindsthe truth of Buddhism is profound and easy to understand, covering all aspects of life. Buddhism is not like Christianity with dignity, restraint, discipline, strictness, but like a mother like grandma, gentle and soft,  smoothly open the knot in your heart. Lets you open the window in your heart, allows sunshine into your heart, and slowly spreads humanity seedlings in the heart. Chinese Buddhism was introduced from India. Now India still has Many people are hostile to the Chinese. Ten years ago, Indian colleagues in defense told me that because China was poor and foundation was low level, it was easy for China togrow very fast. They are very jealous. Now that you are developing relations with India, can you first go ahead in the spiritual worldsay Buddhism, and can you use it to combine Southeast Asia and Japan?






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