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已有 80 次阅读2020-11-22 09:02 |个人分类:全球化

Feb 17, 2016 at 7:58 PM

印度文化玈游资源丰富 Indian  is rich in culture and tourist resources.


还说印度. 其实印度有很多很多可以说今天看印度很多的古寺风格都差不多跟世界其他地方比独具一格!没有去过孟加拉尼泊尔. 只去过泰国和柬埔寨! 柬埔寨的吴哥窟很有印度寺庙的影子都是一层一层用石头垒起来的那是需要非常好的数学才能够计算出每一层衔接的面积, 和整个雕刻的增减比例!印度寺庙的雕刻非常精美每层都有花纹和阿拉伯的装饰花纹不同阿拉伯的花纹太细了和建筑的比例不对, 还有很多看不懂的阿拉伯书法. 印度的建筑还有特别的亭子,四方的, 圆形拱顶. 印度有的寺庙可以看得见是受阿拉伯风格影响!去印度旅游,光是看寺庙就已经值回旅费了!在德国有一条从北到南的高速公路,取名叫浪漫之路. 一路沿线都是有名的城市和教堂,以及旅游胜地,著名物产. 这是浪漫的情侣享受美好时光的路,是孩子们学习历史文化的路. 其实我在想中国是不是也应该有这么一个旅游项目比如云南从丽江大理到香格里拉给专门度蜜月的情人专门的旅馆和特别的礼物,自驾!我觉得印度特别适合浪漫之旅. 谁要是投资为印度整修旅游设施,建旅馆,开餐馆,修铁路高速公路,然后放一大批中国游客过去,你看还没修好,这厢很多人就已心向往之.


Still talk about India. In fact, there are many things to talkabout in India. Today, many ancient temples in India are similar in style, and they are unique in comparison with the rest of the world! Have not been to Bangladesh, Nepal. I have only been to Thailand and Cambodia! The Angkor Wat in Cambodia is full of influences of Indian temples. It is layered with stones. It requires very good mathematics to calculate the area of each layer and the proportion of the whole sculpture. ! The carvings of the Indian temples are very beautiful, each layer has a pattern. Unlike the Arab decorative patterns, the Arab patterns are too fine, not proportional to thewhole structure of the buildings, with many Arabic calligraphy that I dont understood. The Indian architecture also has special Pavilion, square, round arch vault. Some temples in India can be seen to be influenced by the Arab style! Traveling in India, just looking at the temple architectures is worth the price! There is a highway from north to south in Germany, named Romantic Road. All the way along the route are famous cities and churches, as well as tourist attractions, famous properties. This is a way for romantic couples to enjoy good times, for children to learn history and culture. In fact, I am thinking, should China also have such a tourism project, such as Yunnan from Lijiang to Shangri-La, for honeymoon lover, with special hotel and special gifts, self-driving! I think India is especially suitable for a romantic trip. Whoever invests in India to renovate tourist facilities, build hotels, open restaurants, repair railway highways, and then put a large number of Chinese tourists to enjoyYou have not yet startrenovating, many people probably already yearn for it.






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