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拍电影象电脑编程 Filming like computer programming

已有 87 次阅读2020-11-22 09:01 |个人分类:全球化

拍电影象电脑编程 Filming like computer programming


好莱坞做事现在都规范化,编剧本,划分剧本,设计背景,场地灯光,全部都是像把货物放进架子里边展览一样,按部就班. 也象我们电脑编程一样,有一套程式的. 要学会这套程式也是不容易的. 拍大的科幻片有许多预先设计镜头更多的是拍完后的编辑剪辑处理这些跟拍电影没什么关系,但是跟运用电脑的能力有关系. 所以很多好莱坞电影看时候眼花缭乱看完以后心里糊涂我是记不住的. 中国电影人是不是也要好莱坞学习,拍这种电影啊?我想还是算了吧!  今天在微信里跟鹰龙集团的乃枫交谈,问他有什么计划培训演员和编导?他说在筹划. 是这么回事吗?我问他缺人吗?他筹资经验吗?我说我会写企业规划书! 你们有机会给我吗? 有这么一个好机会,能够跟你们同行!可是你却不说话,你打的什么主意?我觉得美国大军压境就是吓唬人的,仗是根本打不起来的. 说实在话美国人心里面最怕打仗一个小小伊拉克都没打赢过何况以前输了朝鲜战争. 你看韩国跟中国一搭一档唱戏给美国看,韩国心里怎么会高兴把这么多的战略武器放到自己家里来?一开火倒霉的是韩国人!王毅外长明确表明不跟美国合作,腿是朝另一边交叉的,美国人到底要啥呀?要你们低头,要你们进贡,这事情不能永远下去啊,总该有个了结!大家让一步,给军工那帮人找一个出路,大家有饭吃不好吗?动不动就抄家伙有啥意思?

Hollywood work is now standardized, scripted, divided scripts, design background, venue lighting, all like the display of goods in the shelves, step by step. Like our computer programming, there is a set of procedures. To learn this set of programming is not easy. Filming big sci-fi movies, there are many pre-designed shots, and more post editings and  process after the filming. These have nothing to do with the film, but it has something to do with the ability to use the computer software. So many dazzling Hollywood moviesI couldn’t remember it after watching it. Can Chinese filmmakers also learn from Hollywood and make such movies? I think it's okay! Today, I talked to manager of Yinglong Group in WeChat and asked him what plans to train actors and choreographers? He said that he is planning. Is this the case? I asked him if they need people? He asked me if I have fund raising experience? I said that I will write a business plan! Do you have a chance for me? Have such a good opportunity to be with you! But you don't talk, what is inyour mind?I feel that the US military pressure on the border is to scare people. It is simply impossible to fight. It is true that the Americans are most afraid of fighting, and could not evenwin a small Iraq, not to mention the loss of  Korean War. You see that South Korea has played a show with China for United States. How can South Korea be happy to put so many strategic weapons into its own country? If war starts the unlucky one is Korean! Foreign Minister Wang Yi made it clear that he did not cooperate with the United States. His legs crossed to the other side. What do Americans want? They want you to bow and force you to tribute, yet this patterncan't last forever, there should be an end! Let's take a step back and find a way out for the military people. Isnt it niceevery one could make a living? It is meaningless to put upforce for every thing.






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