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已有 108 次阅读2020-11-22 09:00 |个人分类:全球化

来美发展美式英文最重要 It is most important to develop American English in the United States.


有的时候看熟悉的歌手唱他以前的歌,比如Lionel Richie, 刚到洛杉矶就开奥运会,听他唱“ all night long", 那时候跟不上他的节拍,到现在还跟不上!而看台下一众艺人,跟着他手舞足蹈地又唱又跳,美国文化呀! 于是我就在想,中国的歌手,想要来美国怎样才能融合进去呢?其实中国歌手的音质不差有些英文歌唱得相当好那时候奥运的激动人心的回忆还有音乐响起时候伸缩号吹起的节奏禁不住让人想手舞足蹈. 中国歌手的血够热吗? 这边好莱坞的电影,年轻的演员,一定得说一口流利的英文,外来演员,亚洲演员,做派看上去也要象这边的人!说实在话在所有中国演员里边既使是王力宏照这边人眼光总是有点不顺眼可能有的角色要么纯粹就是扮外来的人要么像王宝强那样扮说话有口音傻根,要么就是武打戏. 除非情节特别吸引人,一般美国人是不会去看的. 而且对中国演员比较擅长的内心戏古装戏美国人基本上是不会费心去看懂里边的究竟的. 美国人喜欢看超现实的科幻剧喜剧惊悚的刺激情爱再加狗血情节 .....不喜欢看文化历史勾心斗角. 只要养眼就好!


Sometimes I watch a familiar singer sing his previous songs, such as Lionel Richie. When I first arrived in Los Angeles, I opened the Olympics and listened to him singing "all night long". At that time, I couldn't keep up with his beats. I still can't keep up until now! And down the stage a group of entertainers in the stands, followed him dance and dance, American culture! So I was thinking, Chinese singers, want to come to the United States, how can the adapt to the environment? In fact, the sound quality of Chinese singers is not bad. Theysing some English songs  quite goodAt that time, the exciting memories of the Olympics, as well as the rhythm of the trombone when the music was on, made you want to dance. Is Chinese singer’s blood  hot enough? In Hollywood movies,  young actors must speak fluent EnglishForeign actors, Asian actors, have to seem  like American! To be honest, of all Chinese actors, even Wang Lihong, according to the people here, are always a bit disrespected. Maybe there are characters, either purely outsiders, or like Wang Baoqiang, who speaks with accent just playing martial arts. Unless the plot is particularly attractive, the average American will not go to see the movie. Chinese actor are good at  dramas requiringinner feelingsand  historic dramathat Americans basically do not bother to understand what is about. Americans like to watch surreal sci-fi dramas, comedy, horror, stimulating love, plus dog blood plots..... don't like to watch culture, history, intrigue. Just pleasing your eyes is attractive!






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