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维吾尔族小男生迪克力 Ulghur boy Dickle

已有 135 次阅读2020-11-22 08:59 |个人分类:全球化

Feb 16, 2016 at 10:42 PM

维吾尔族小男生迪克力 Ulghur boy Dickle


今天看Grammy , 第一个出场,Tyler Swift. Jackie听见歌声,从子里跑出来,嚷着,“ this is Tyler Swift". 我惊讶了,"how do you know?” “ this is 'out of woods' , I know all of her songs!" 于是就跟着唱着,跳起来! 我不知道她什么时候学的,我不知道她怎么会唱的, 如果她学钢琴有这样子的能动性,自己偷偷摸摸就可以学会,那我要谢谢上帝了!阿门!小孩子真的不可思议,什么时候你们也跳Tyler swift 的歌?Super duper !!  看那些歌手并不是每个人都有很高的颜值但是至少每个人的声音都比较特别! 可能是因为人种关系他们唱歌的音域音线音质,要比大多中国歌手更富表现力这不是通过训练出来的. 昨天看中国音乐大师课,里面维吾尔族小男生迪克力唱“我的太阳”,听得我如痴如醉说实在话那些帕瓦罗蒂安德鲁都没有他唱得那么响遏行云,把人的灵魂送上最高天堂!你们可以听试试,像水晶般透明的音色啊!天份!


Watch Grammy today, the first appearance, Tyler Swift. Jackie heard the song, ran out of the house, groaning, "this is Tyler Swift". I was surprised, "how do you know?" This is 'out of woods' , I know all of her songs!" Then she sang and danced! I don't know when she learned. I don't know how she could sing. If she learns  piano with such initiative, she can learn byherself, then I want to thank God! Amen! Children are really incredible. When do you also dance the song of Tyler swift? Super duper !! Look at the singers, not everyone has a goodappearance, but at least everyone's voice is special! It may be because of the ethnic races that the vocal range, sound line, and sound quality of their singing are more expressive than most Chinese singers. This is not through training. Yesterday, I watched the Chinese Music Master Class, where the Uighur boy Dickle sang. "My Sun", I am so intoxicated. To be honest, those Pavarotti, Andrew did not sing so well like him, he can send the soul to the highest heaven! You can listen to it, like a crystal-clear sound! Talent!






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