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已有 110 次阅读2020-10-28 09:32 |个人分类:中国


Dec 21, 2015 at 12:34 PM




今年暑假回国在飞机上在跟着旅行团里至少有两派人马含沙射影表演, 羞辱我. 在美国已过了10年这样的日子这儿最近又乱哄哄的. 过节旅行团里都是各地的中国人不去闹忙.真谢谢你们关心. 这儿大多数旅游胜地我们都去过了. 有的还好几次. 寒假只有两个星期,让她好好休息,附近滑雪场,可带她去滑雪. 明年开春,带她去远一点的没去过的地方.  祝贺主席和妈妈结婚纪念日.我爸妈也是结婚很多年了有时候去看父母爸爸就跟我抱怨说我妈老是欺负他管他, 还跟他吵.于是我就跟我爸说能吵就表示还有力气!还年轻!看来彭妈妈真的是想好好干大事的!其实无论互联网怎样,都是电子的信息对人与人的交往来说是一个虚拟的世界. 认识你你们,却对你们的世界很多事一无所知. 还要让别人对我来讲你你们的故事,搞不懂!天上的神仙们啊,这有多无聊啊!其实真要做,买张票拿起行李就走了,哪有那么复杂!

I returned to China last summer, on the plane, in the tour group, there are at least two group of people, ridicule andhumiliate me. In the United States, it has been 10 years livingthe similar situation, these days are extremely chaotic. Here holiday season tours are full of Chinese people  all over the worldI do not want to beat the crowds. Thank you for your concern. Most of the tourist resorts here we have been already. Some we even have been there several times. The winter vacation is only two weeks, let her restThere are ski resorts nearbyI can take her to ski. I will take her to a farther place next spring. Congratulations to Chairman Xi and MrsPeng on their wedding anniversary. My parents have been married for many years, sometimes on visiting them, my father complained to me. He said that my mother always bullied him, she was also arguing with him. So I told my dad that if you can argue, you will have the strength! Still young!It seems that Peng really wants to do a good job! In fact, no matter what the Internet is, it is electronic information. It is a virtual world for communication. Knowing Xi, Xi and Wang, but I have nothing to know about your world. Let others tellme what you areyour story, I don't understand! Heavenly gods, how ridiculous this is! In fact, if I really have to do itI can just buy a ticket, pick up my luggage and go. Why so complicated!






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