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中国人做事就一定周到和严谨的. Chinese people must be thoughtful and rigorous in ...

已有 183 次阅读2020-10-20 13:28 |个人分类:中国

中国人做事就一定周到和严谨的.  Chinese people must be thoughtful and rigorous in their work.


小孩子要管教,大人要充分勾通啊!可是我很多事情都是未知? 可以让我了解清楚吗? Jackie刚来美国的时候亲戚来看她她睡着了,就打趣说,“小菊头空了加属,被人卖了都不晓得!”,我幽幽地说,“已经被卖过一回了”。 想问问习和王, 像现在这样历史变换时期什么事都可能发生, 如果以后有人找你们去拍电影客串演你们自己你们会欣然答应吗? 还可以写回忆录什么的,一定非常精彩. 我小时候就是读那些回忆录,基辛格的,甘地的,尼克松的等等长大的呀!说不定也能拍电影啊!都是传奇! 看见主席和奥巴马通电话,一定有重大的事情需要沟通,一定是某些重大行动进入新的阶段!是吧?这边人对中国人做事是很敬畏的. 只要是中国人做事,就一定考虑周到和严谨

Children should be disciplined, adults should be fully communicated! But many of  things are unknown to me? Can you let me know? When Jackie first came to the United States, my relatives came to see her. When she fell asleep, he joked, "The wild girl is sound sleepingeven sold shewould not know!", I said faintly, "She has been sold oncealready." I want to ask Xi and Wangin the historical transformation period like this, anything can happen. If someone asks you to make a movie in the future, playing guest roles of yourselves, will you readily to take? You can also write memoirs, it must be very exciting. When I was a child, I read those memoirs, Kissinger, Gandhi, Nixon, etc., growing up with them! Maybe you can make movies too! All legends! Seeing Chairman Xi and Obama on the phone, there must be major things that need to be communicated, and certain important actions must enter a new phase! Right? People here are very respectful about Chinese doing things. As long as Chinese do things, they must consider thoughtful and rigorous.






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