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Jackie在课堂上旁若无人唱歌 Jackie sings in class freely

已有 179 次阅读2020-10-20 12:20 |个人分类:北美生活

Dec 12, 2015 at 12:43 PM

Jackie在课堂上旁若无人唱歌 Jackie sings in class freely


美国这边小孩子上课在教室里非常自由,可以跑来跑去,吃东西,从一个桌子到另一个桌子去跟别人讲话.当然如果太过分了,老师会让小朋友到教室后面的板櫈上坐五分钟.叫time-out.我问 Jackie你有没有做过“冷板櫈”,Jackie说从来没有.可是我知道Jackie有时候会神经答错自说自话在教室里唱流行歌. 老师听不下去了就会要求她到外面去唱于是Jackie就会兴高采烈地跑出去到图书馆里坐半个小时再回来. 她功课挺好又挺讨老师喜欢所以老师也见怪不怪. 到了初中换了一个学校她还是陋习不改在教室里唱歌不但如此别的小孩听见了还跟着一起唱. 一开始老师不高兴了有点愠怒地看着她可是她唱的歌有节奏小朋友都跟着她手舞足蹈(因为那也是他们喜欢的歌), 于是老师 (很有经验的老师,我很佩服她), 也开始随着曲律摆动自己跟大家一起唱. 夸奖 Jackie唱得好, 但警告说以后不许随便在教室里唱歌.Jackie说现在他们教室里非常规矩.

Children in the United States are very free in the classroom. They can run around, eat, and talk to others from one table to another. Of course, if it is too much, the teacher will let the children sit on the bench behind the classroom for five minutes. This is called time-out. I asked Jackie, have you ever had a cold bench, Jackie said never. But I know that Jackie sometimes made  mistakes and talked to herself, evensinging pop songs in the classroom. If teacher couldn't stand it, he would ask her to go outside to sing, so Jackie would go out happily, or went to the library for half an hour then came back. Her score was very good, and she was liked by the teacher, so the teacher was not too restrict on her. It’s strange. When she changed to a school in junior high, she still didn’t change her habit sang in the classroom. Not only that, but other children heard it and sang along. The teacher was not happy at first, and looked at her with a little anger. But she sang the song so rhythmic, other children follow her and dance (because that is also their favorite song), so the teacher (very experienced teacher, I admire her), also began to swing with the music, sing with everyone. When finish the teacher complimented Jackie for her nice singing, but warned that it is not allowed to sing in the classroom at any time. Jackie said that now they are conventional in the classroom.






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