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上海梦中心. 对休闲活动项目的想法 Dream Center in Shanghai. Ideas for leisure act ...

已有 215 次阅读2020-10-20 12:19 |个人分类:中国

Dec 10, 2015 at 6:30 PM


上海梦中心. 对休闲活动项目的想法 Dream Center in Shanghai. Ideas for leisure activities


This is for Jeff and Steven:

我不知道在梦想中心上海的情况如何,Jackie告诉我你很开心,所以我一切顺利,我为你们很高兴。 好吧,关于我上次给你的建议,我希望你真的很欣赏。 上海已有几个游乐园,最近的迪斯尼乐园和梦想中心都是美国现代风格。 还有一个巨大的公园,大宁公园,就像纽约的中央公园,另一个在郊区可以钓鱼和骑自行车。 当然还有动物园和各种博物馆。 我认为他们需要彼此区分。迪士尼以其科学的想象设计而闻名。宁公园有供人们散步和放松的空间。在每个城市,人们都有一些基本的娱乐和教育需求。上海及附近地区约有2万人口。现有设施还不够。每个城市的人们都需要一个可以进行户外社交活动的地方,如餐馆,商场。在中国,只有少数几个城市有这样的东西,我觉得梦想中心就是其中之一,因为它引入了香港的兰桂坊风格。所有主题公园的主要目的是赚钱。使其特殊并满足人们的特殊需求是赚钱的最佳方式。我的建议是,梦想中心应该与其他娱乐场所区别开来,梦想中心有什么特别之处?我认为梦想中心的艺术部分吸引着人们。我认为它也可以作为新技术,娱乐明星,产品等推广场所。上海缺乏孩子和父母互动的场所。如果你能得到孩子,你就可以获得全家人的生意。


I do not know how things going on in Shanghai with the dream Center, Jackie told me you are very happy so I guess everything goes well, I'm happy for you. Well, about recommendations I gave you some already last time, I hope you really appreciate it. There are already a few amusement parks in Shanghai, The recent Disneyland and the dream Center are American modern styles. There is also one huge park, Da Ning park, like the center parking in New York, and another one in the suburban for fishing and biking. Of course there is zoo and different kinds of museums. I think they need to be distinguished from each other. Disney is well known for its scientific imaginative design. Da Ning park  has space for people to walk and relax. In every city, people have some basic  recreational and educational needs. Shanghai and nearby area has about 20 million people. Existing facilities are not enough.  Every city people also need a place to have outdoor social activities such as restaurants, malls. In China only a few cities have things like that, I feel dream Center is one of those as it has introduced Hong Kong's lang kuai fong style. The main purpose of all of theme parks is to make money. To make it special and satisfy particular needs of the people is the best way to make money . Well my recommendation is, dream center should be distinguished from other entertainment places, what's so special about dream center? I think the artistic part of dream Center attracts people. I think it also can be used as a new technology, entertainment stars, Products, etc. promoting place. Shanghai is lacking places for kids and parents interacting. If you can get kids, you get the whole family business. 

拉斯维加斯有马戏团赌场,在后广场里面有一个大帐篷,孩子们可以享受各种活动,比如攀岩,蹦极等等。父母可以坐在那儿享用一杯咖啡,孩子们则随心所欲地玩耍。 也许梦想中心不是那种动态游戏的地方,但它可以在更多的文化,艺术,音乐,有限的父母和孩子互动活动中与其他人区别开来。我上次提到了一些活动,比如你可以剪纸,折纸,制壶,雕刻,音乐创作,珠宝制作等 不同种类的艺术手工艺,特殊食品制作等。我也有一种想法,在中小城市或市中心,在偏远地区,孩子也有这种需求。也许有人可以有选择一些功能设施,如迪士尼过山车,梦想中心的艺术节目,一些动态活动,并把它们放入市中心。获得品牌名称,开放加盟业务无处不在。你怎么看?


In Las Vegas there is casino Circus CircusIn its back plaza, there is a big tent inside kids can enjoy all kinds of activities, like climbing rocks, bungee jumps, etc. parents can enjoy sitting there have a cup of coffee while kids go around play whatever they want. Maybe dream Center is not a place for that kind of dynamic games, But it can distinguish itself from others in more cultural, arts, music, Limited parents and kids interactive activities. I mentioned some of the activities last time, like you can have some paper cut, paper folding, pot making, sculpting, music composing, jewelry makingDifferent kinds of art crafting, special food making, etc. I also have a thoughts, in middle or small scale city or town center, in remote areas, kids also have those kind of needs. Maybe somebody can selectively choose some of the functional facilities like some Disney roller coaster, artistic program from dream center, some dynamic activities and put them into the town center. Gave brand name, Open Archive business everywhere. What do you think?






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