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中国和非洲的民乐 Folk music in China and Africa

已有 215 次阅读2020-10-20 12:18 |个人分类:全球化

Dec 10, 2015 at 5:03 PM


中国和非洲的民乐  Folk music in China and Africa



This is for David:


I have heard this recently. 我最近听说过这个。






这是陕西老腔,一种非常古老的,原生的,正宗的民间的中国西部摇滚乐,习主席曾经在那里生活了 10多年 在那个区域,不仅有这种嘈杂的组合,主要用于婚礼和派对,而且还有非常高的民歌,当人们在野外放牧时唱的. 显然,你可以说,他们甚至没有好的乐器,根本没有。 他们使用条凳作为鼓,没有谐振器(必须用手,很痛)。 但他们原始,充满生机和激情的节奏非常令人兴奋。 中国有这么多类型的音乐在这里和那里像珍珠一样传播,有些非常粗糙,有些非常好。 还有一些戏剧,如京剧,有数百年的历史。 他们有自己的设置,行头,旋律格式和角色。 现代社会,年轻人喜欢快餐式流行音乐,对这类戏剧的兴趣越来越少。 就像典音乐一样。 大卫,你觉得把它们变成流行音乐可能是个好主意吗? 也许你的人可以推出不同类型的乐器,最佳乐器加以提升。 那些中国戏剧可否成某种舞蹈音乐? 你知道那些旋律是非常哲学意味的,声音非常特别。 当习主席访问非洲时,当地音乐非常真实,与美国流行音乐不同,尽管有相同的动态。 如果有人在最好的非洲舞蹈音乐之上演唱京剧,你觉得怎么样? 这是一个有趣的组合,加上中国,哈哈哈哈哈


This is shanan Xi old tuneone kind of very old, native, authentic folk, Chinese kind of rock n roll from the central west of china, where president Xi used to live for more than 10 years. In that area, there are not only this kind of noisy combination which is mainly for weddings and parties, but also very high pitch folk song when people go herding in the wild. You can tell, obviously, they do not even have good instruments, not at all. They use bench for the beat as drum , no resonator (must painful for the hands). But their primitive, full of life and passion rhythm is very exciting. There are so many of these types music in China spread like pearls here and there , some are very rough,  some are very fine.  There are also a few strands of the dramas, like Beijing opera, with hundreds of years history. They have their own settings, dresses, melody formats, and roles. As for modern days, as young people like fast food type pop, less and less show interest in those kinds of drama. Just like classical music. David, do you think it might be  a good idea to covert those into pop? Maybe your people can introduce different kind of instruments, enhance the best. And those Chinese Drama into some kind of dance music? You know those melodies are very philosophical, and the sounds are very special. When president Xi visited s Africa, the local music is very authentic, different from American pop, even though some share the same dynamics. What do you think if someone sings the Beijing opera on top of the African dancing best? That is an interesting combination, plus Chinese Kong, hahahahaha 






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