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设置集权和民主的分配,是一门艺术 Setting up the distribution of centralization a ...

已有 154 次阅读2020-10-20 12:17 |个人分类:全球化

设置集权和民主的分配,是一门艺术 Setting up the distribution of centralization and democracy is an art


我更觉得,其实民主和集权是相对的,就像泄闸孔于集权和开闸门于民主一样,是不同的程度. 对某个政治制度来说,设置权和民主的比例分配点,是一门艺术,是要按照当地的政治经济文化等各种因素来考虑的. 而当这些因素变化的时候,集权和民主的比例也会相应的发生变化. 我到现在还没有看到有谁研究过对某一个社会来说如何量化集权和民主, 集权和民主的这个比例临界点的移动和各政治制度下的因素的关系.我还觉得,就某一个政治制度来说,集权和民主构架也不是一定的. 比如在个制度中,某些项目的实施可能需要完全的集权. 而同时其他的项目可能就需要完全的民主,或有个项目正好适合现在的集权和民主构架. 因事而论! 我还没有看见有人研究说,哪些个项目实施适合集权,哪些个项目项适合民主,而其他的项目又占多少百分比.


I feel that in fact, democracy and centralization are relative, just like the gate as for centralized power and open the gateas of democracy. It is a different degree. For a political system, setting the point of distribution of centralization and democracy is an artit is  considered in accordance with various local political, economic, cultural and other factors. When these factors change, the proportion of centralization and democracy will change accordingly. I have not seen anyone yet do research for a society, how to quantify the centralization of power and democracy, the shift of the critical point of centralization and democracy, and the relationship between various political systems. I also think that for a certain political system, the centralized and democratic framework is not fixed. For example, in a system, the implementation of certain projects may require complete centralization. At the same time, other projects may require complete democracy, or there may be a project that fits into the current centralized and democratic structure. It depends! I have not seen anyone do research on which projects are suitable for centralization, which projects are suitable for democracy, and what percentage of other projects shouldtake.


其实社会运作中的很多项目是有关经济的,那是不是有人可以把这些经济的项目从总体开始划分,看看各种类型,适合哪些相关的政府运作方式,集权还是民主,还是次民主,以此为基础分派相应的运作方式,以保证经济能够顺利运行,政治能稳定. 我只是以一个设计者的角度来思考政治和经济的关系而已! ,人到了这个年龄,除了个人,还会想更多一些事情.  总归希望大家好,孩子们能够健康的成长,平平安安,开开心心. 我是一个喜欢简单的人. 人生不是别人编剧本让我来演的.我给Jackie足够的空间. 她笑了我就高兴!其实对谁都一样!

In fact, many of the projects in the operation of the society are related to the economy. Is it possible that some people can divide these economic projects from the overall perspective, see which relevant government operations are suitable forvarious types, whether they are centralized or democratic, or sub-democracy? Based on this, you can assign corresponding operational methods to ensure that the economy can run smoothly and politics can be stable. I just think about the relationship between politics and economy from the perspective of a designer! Moreover, when people reach this age, in addition to caring about individuals, they will think more things. I hope everyone is good, children can grow up healthily, and they are happy and safe. I am a simple person. Life is not that others write scripts let me play. I gave Jackie enough space. If she smiles and I am happy! In fact, everyone is the same!






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