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民主和集权的优缺点 Advantages and disadvantages of democracy and centralization

已有 176 次阅读2020-10-20 12:14 |个人分类:全球化

Dec 8, 2015 at 8:55 PM

民主和集权的优缺点 Advantages and disadvantages of democracy and centralization


我注意到有些医生在给药的时候,针对病人不同的病情状况,所给药会不同. 当我们设计系统的时候,比如说水坝系统,当洪潮来的时候,系统设计是先让泄洪孔排水. 如果水流量更大,就开一两个小闸门. 如果水流更加汹涌,就开大闸门!我见过全部闸门打开,浪涛翻涌的情景! 也就是说当需求不一样的时候,应对的方式也是不一样的!我想政治权力系统结构也应该对不同的政治环境,有相对应的模式及适应改变. 民主是一个好东西,民主就是给各个政治势力以一定的空间,让其互相制衡,以达到最后决定的优化. 代价是需要花很多的精力人力时间,经过雍长的程式化的繁琐的过程才能达到最后的各方满意的结论. 而且在执行过程中,又会受到制度中的这样或那样的制肘. 而集权就可以超越这些问题,可以大刀阔斧地,披荆斩棘地,有效而快速地把事情向前推进!但是因为缺少制衡的力量,一出错就是差之毫厘, 缪以千里难以挽回!代价巨大!

I noticed that some doctors will give different medications depending on the patient's condition. When we design the system, for example, the dam system, when the flood comes, the system design is to let the flood hole drain first. If the water flow is larger, open one or two small gates. If the water flow is more turbulent, open all the gates! I have seen all the gates open and the waves surge! That is to say, when the demand is not the same, the way of coping is not the same! I think the structure of the political power system should also have different modes and adapt to different political environments. Democracy is a good thing. Democracy is to give each political power a certain space to make balances to achieve the final optimal decisions. The cost is that it takes a lot of energy, manpower, time, and lengthy stylized and cumbersome process to reach the final conclusions of all parties. In the process of democratic implementation, it will be subject to this or that obstacles in the system. And centralization can transcend these problems, and you can move things forward in a bold and effective manner, effectively and quickly! However, because of the lack of power for checks and balances, an error of a small difference maytrigger thousand miles off the initial plan later on. It is difficult to recover! The price is huge!






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