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美国社会的缺失 irregularities of American society

已有 76 次阅读2020-9-28 23:36 |个人分类:北美生活

美国社会的缺失 irregularities of American society


曾经在Disneyland见到一个孩一看见黄色热带鱼就说是"dolly", 这就是最标准的美国人. 他们从小通过媒体和影视, 被输入某种特定的文化政治符号, 长大以后一看见某些事情, 他们的第一反应就是这些文化政治符号,他们不知道除了这些,世界上还有别的东西,他们不知道这些东西真正意义其实不属于那些文化政治符号. 年纪大的人成见犹深, 很难改变. 这也是为什么美国的对外政策屡屡錯失, 因为他们没有办法去理解比他们更多维的世界. 你能跟一个没有经历过爱情的孩子, 谈爱情婚姻家庭吗?可悲的是他们还不认识到这一点, 蛮横做事. 其实最终付代价的是全体美国人. 这边很多孩子是从单亲家庭长大, 从来没有一个榜样告诉他们, 家庭中相亲相爱是什么样的. 很多男孩不知道做丈夫和父亲的责任. 这边工作比较动荡,也决定了很多人没有办法爱情关系稳定. 同时社会又比较自由和宽容,于是有了同性恋什么的.

I once saw a child in Disneyland. When she saw the yellow tropical fish, she said it was "dolly". This is the most typical American. They were
planted by a certain cultural and political symbol through the media and film and television. When they grew up, once they saw some thing, their first reaction is the cultural and political symbols. They don't know that there are other things in the world besides these. They don't know the true meaning of these things. They don’t know that the true meaning of these things does not belong to those cultural and political symbols. Older people are mind fixedhard to change. This is why the US foreign policy has been repeatedly misleaded because they have no way to understand a world more dimensional than theirs. Can you talk about a love, family to a child who has never experienced love? Sadly, they still don’t realize this and do things arbitrarily. In fact, the ultimate price is paid by all Americans. Many children here have grown up from single-parent families. There is never a good example to tell them what kind of love is in the family. Many boys don't know the responsibility of being a husband or a father. The jobs here are more turbulent, and it also determines that many people have no way to make the love relationship stable. At the same time, society is more free and tolerant, so there is homosexuality or something awkward.


小时候虽然中国社会比较贫穷, 但是文化不贫. 周围有那么多人和家庭, 有亲朋好友关心爱护, 自然而然就以为是这样的. 到了美国才发现这世界上有那么多稀奇古怪的人,慢慢地自己也变成稀奇古怪的人,哈哈!大概美国每个人的空间够大可以发展特质, 而政府所有的控制程序, 对单一个体控制又比较方便, 而且要让不同特质的人在一起是非常不容易的. 前几年看见Jackie同学的美丽妈妈,一点一点丧失理智,一点一点崩溃,杀人坐牢,她的同学失去亲人,觉得这个国家,有一群疯狂的精神错乱者,好像也把国家赶往那个妈妈所走的路程上.....很担心!


When I was a child, although Chinese society was poor, but culture was not poor. There were so many people and families around, and there were friends and family who care about me. Naturally, I thought it should be like this everywhere. I discovered in the United States that there are so many strange people in the world. Slowly, slowly, I also become a strange person, haha! Probably everyone in the United States has enough space to develop traits, and all government control procedures are easier just control individuals, yet it is not easy to have people with different qualities together. I saw Jackies classmates beautiful mother, lost her sense little by little, collapsed bit by bit, killed someone ended in jail. Her classmate lost her loved ones. I felt that this country have a group of crazy mentally disordered people who seemed to drive the country to that mothers way..... I am very worried!






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