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美国的政治法律制度 American political and legal system

已有 87 次阅读2020-9-28 23:33 |个人分类:北美生活

Nov 20, 2015 at 5:27 PM


美国的政治法律制度 American political and legal system


亲爱的习和王,你们要我写美国. 我想了一下. 一言难尽!当我刚来美国的时候,中国和美国是天壤之别. 我像一个小孩子走进了天宫,战战兢兢地摸索着我的路. 我比现在这些新移民要崇拜美国多. 我是一个读书人,两耳不闻窗外事一心只读圣贤书,平时只是学校和家两处跑而已. 我觉得美国是有一批精英的,他们在设计美国这个制度和社会国家机器的时候是动了脑子的. 他们是最大限度地尽量把公平,规范条条细细写进法律之中的,只有很少一点空间可以让最后的官员去发挥. 他们以为这样子就可以限制腐败的发生. 他们错了. 很多时候政府是以合法的名义行非法的勾当, 非常可怕, 而且无法翻案的.

Dear Xi and Wang, you want me to talk
about United States. I thought about it. It’s hard to say! When I first came to the United States, China and the United States were very different. I walked into the Heavenly Palace like a child, groping my way. I admired US much more than the new immigrants now. I was a student, and I didn’t know what’s going on outside only read the book of sages. Every day it was just either school or home. I think there are indeed a group of elites in the United States. They are brainstorming when designing the American system and the social state machine. They are trying to maximize the fairness and standardization of the articles into the law. There is only a small amount of space for the last officials to play. They think that this can limit the occurrence of corruption. They are wrong. Many At that time, the government carried out illegal activities in the legal name, which was terrible and could not be turned over.






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