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中国网购消费模式 Chinese on line shopping model

已有 82 次阅读2020-9-28 23:27 |个人分类:中国

Nov 19, 2015 at 10:21 PM

中国网购消费模式 Chinese on line shopping model


你们要我讲经济. 这次看见你们雄赳赳气昂昂率领一众高科技大佬, 去美国西雅图开会.  看见集体照上个个神采飞扬,凡是美国有的大网络公司,中国就相应的有一个功能相同的网络公司,而且市值可能比他更大. 是的,真的应该感到高兴的. 可是我私下里却觉得不应该有这种比的心态. 中国是十三亿人. 如果你的市值还做不过别人,那是你有问题. 所有公司的原创意都来自国外公司运作也是国外公司,但有些并不一定适合中国. 今年双十一节,网购外递的人累得精疲力尽,包裹堆积如山,到现在还没有送完.国外人少,又住分散,网购的只占人口很少比例,所以挨门挨户递送不是问题. 中国人多,年青人又喜欢网购,那你就不应该挨门挨户递送,而应该每一个地区设个中心点,货到了发短信让他们自己来取. 因为中国城市人都住得很近,让客户来取不是问题,你就省掉最后一里的麻烦. 货物只要运到就近的中心点就够了.

You want me
to talk about economy. This time I saw you proudly leading a group of high-tech amnesties and going to Seattle for meetings. Seeing the group photos all are in high spirit. Any large network company in the United States, China has a network company with the same function, and the market value may be bigger than theirs. Yes, I really should be happy. But I personally feel that there should be no such mentality. China has 1.4 billion people. If your market value is not better than others, then you have a problem. All the original ideas of the company are from foreign companies, and the operation is also by foreign company, but some of them are not necessarily suitable for China. This year's double eleventh online shopping festival, deliverers are tired and exhausted, the parcels piled up like mountains, and so many have not even been delivered yet. There are fewer people and scattered living abroad. Online shopping only accounts for a small proportion of the population, so door-to-door delivery is not a problem. Chinese people, young people Like online shopping, then you should not send door-to-door delivery, but should set up a distribution central point in each area, send text messages to let them come to take it. Because in Chinese cities residence is very dense, so allow customers to pick up themselves is not a problem, you can save the last mile of trouble. As long as the goods transported to the nearest center point, it is enough.






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