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已有 68 次阅读2020-9-28 23:25 |个人分类:全球化

Nov 19, 2015 at 8:48 PM




让我写恐怖份子和ISIS. 怎么说好呢? 其实恐怖分子这个定义不清不白, 因为没有说清楚背后代表的是哪一个利益组织. 中东中亚西亚,因为海上贸易航路的兴旺而衰落.也因为宗教的控制使现代科技文明不能在这个地区散发光芒. 其实美国很早就有全球战略,美国很清楚美洲只是地球的一端,地球的实际中心是在欧亚非大陆,而欧亚非的中心是在中西亚. 所以有海湾战争,伊拉克战争,根本不是为了石油. 当以色列携美式高科技武器也是用高税收买来的在地中海东岸像匕首一样插入时,周围的伊斯兰国家是没有同样的东西来相抗衡的. 而最便宜又容易的武器就是我死一个你死多个,而美国军人就是最最最怕死人的. 世界上没有恐怖主义, 只有不同的杀人武器.

let me write terrorists and ISIS. How do I say that? In fact, the definition of terrorists is unclear, because it does not clarify which interest organization is behind it. The Middle East, Central Asia, and West Asia had declined because of the prosperity of the maritime trade route. Because of the control of religion, modern science and technology civilization cannot shining in this region. In fact, the United States has a global strategy long time ago. The United States knows very clear that the Americas are only one end of the earth. The actual center of the earth is in the Eurasian continent, and the center of Euro-Asia is in Central and West Asia. So there was the Gulf War, the Iraq War, It was not for oil at all. When Israel carries American high-tech weapons bought with its high taxes incomes, inserts at east coast of the Mediterranean like a dagger, the surrounding Islamic countries do not have the same thing to compete with. The cheapest and easiest weapon is that if I die, you die more. US military soldiers are the most feared of death. There is no terrorism in the world, only different weapons of killing.


伊斯兰文明是强大的文明,在很多地方胜过犹太文明. 你看一下拜占庭和奥特曼帝国.你看亚历山大的失败,蒙古人的失败,俄国人的失败,现在美国人的失败. 但是穆斯林需要跟上时代的步伐. 我不清楚,ISIS后面是谁. 以前见过一个漫画,在情人节的时候,一个民事律师寄出了上千封情人卡,给夫妻,情人制造不信任,为了让自己有生意做. 结果他的老朋友跟他生气,问他你知道我已经结婚三十年了.要维持几千亿的军费,终归需要一点理由. 如果能由此建立大伊斯兰国那也不错. 这是美国经济结构错位产生的一个畸胎.是吧? 把钱给我吧,让我去办教育,开公司做生意,投资高铁,研究新药,建工路开电厂,让孩子们看世界,世界上就会少很多恐怖份子. 给人活路,给人希望,为什么会恐怖份子?

Islamic civilization is a powerful civilization, and it is better than Jewish civilization in many places. Look at the Byzantine and the Ottoman Empire. You see the failure of Alexander
the Great, Mongols, Russians, Americans now. But the Muslims need to keep up with the pace of the times. I don't know who is behind ISIS. I have seen a comic book before. On Valentine's Day, a civil lawyer sent out thousands of lover cards, creating couples, lovers distrust, in order to make business for himself. As a result, his old friend is angry with him and asks him, you know that I have been married for 30 years. To maintain hundreds of billions of military expenses, you need a reason. If it is possible to establish a large Islamic state, it is not bad. This is a teratogenicity caused by the misalignment of the US economic structure. Is it? Give me the money, let me do education, start a business, invest in high-speed rail, research new drugs, build a power plant, let the children see the world, then the world will have fewer terrorists. Give people a living, give people hope, why are there terrorists?


有一位从伊拉克来的帅哥年轻医生,曾经申请做我房客. 他来美国读书没有车. 他告诉我,他有兄弟姐妹十个,他是唯一的医生. 在伊拉克战争时候,他有时每天要做几十个手术. 他眼圈有点红. 我请求他教Jackie医学知识,他很爽快地就答应了,他都不要我付钱. 每个星期我就去接他,讲完课送他. 我很感动,我送了二张我的画. 在美国你要是请一个医生需要花很多钱的,大多数医生都是自视很高很傲慢的,更不敢请他们花时间去教别人. 他虽然年轻但很有经验. 他让我认识了中亚穆斯林,让我看到金子般的高贵的灵魂. 让Jackie记住他,长大也要帮助别人.

There is a handsome young doctor from Iraq who applied to be my tenant. He came to the United States to study, he has no car. He told me that he has ten brothers and sisters, he is the only doctor. In Iraq war, he sometimes did dozens of operations every day. His eyes were a bit red. I asked him to teach Jackie medical knowledge, he promised very readily, he did not even want me to pay. I would pick him up every week, and sent him back after class. I was very touched, I gave him two of my paintings. In the United States, if you ask a doctor for help, you will spend a lot of money, most doctors are very self-satisfied and arrogant, and no one even dare to ask them to spend time teaching others. He is young yet very experienced. He made me know the Central Asian Muslims, let me see his noble soul of gold. Let Jackie remember him and grow up also to help others.






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