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中国政府打击腐败 Chinese deal with corruption

已有 54 次阅读2020-9-28 23:24 |个人分类:中国

中国政府打击腐败 Chinese deal with corruption


看见你们在打. 我在想,变“虎”是人性,在你们的制度中有没有制约的成分, 从而限制的产生?又比如说提高科学管理和电子化程度,减少人为决策的因素?把某些易产生的过程公开化,或者渠道堵塞. 还有可不可以换一个角度来看,把那些作为一种和外界联系的优势,犹太人那样,发挥它们的作用,为本国带来更多的利益渠道和机会当然更希望中国人有更多的凝聚力,不然在这儿就是被别人当枪使的譬如说可不可以把国外贪官的资产结合起来善加利用,在海外合理投资?比如说办个寄宿联校什么的,那那些国内的孩子出国住自己人办的学校,就不会象海外孤儿一般. 又或者制造更多的,让他们按照你的计划,出海外结成网投资谋利?我看很多富人放在这儿的钱都是死钱. 投资还能为自己孩子创造就业机会国内来的孩子毕业找工作多不容易

I saw that you are catching "tigers". I am thinking that changing to
"tiger" is human nature. Is there any restriction in your system, thus limiting the generation of "tiger"? For example, to improve the degree of electronic and scientific management and reduce the factors of human decision-making? Open up some processes that are prone to "tigers" or block the channels. Is it possible to change the perspective of the "tiger" as an advantage of connecting outside world, like the Jews, to play their role bring more benefits channels and opportunities to the country. Of course, I hope that Chinese have more cohesiveness, otherwise they are tools used by others here. For example, can we combine the assets of corrupt officials abroad and make good use of them, and make reasonable investments overseas? For example, if you want to run a boarding school, then those domestic children who go abroad can live in Chinese own schools without being like overseas orphans. Or create more "tigers" and let them travel overseas according to your plan. Forming a network, investing to have profit? I think that the money that many rich people put here is dead money. Investment can also create employment opportunities for Chinese children. It is not easy for domestic children to study abroardthen graduating to find jobs outside.


又能怎么样?明天还会有新的老虎”出来. 不如设计规划,跟他们这些人合作谈判,把负面的尽量转化为正面的. 导,非堵. 权斗很伤人的. 有一次在耶路撒冷的街上走,街角一幢小洋楼,门口有一个站岗的士兵. 别人告诉我这是总统沙龙的住宅,我的嘴巴张大合不拢. 那个时候还有人体炸弹. 你们是可以青史留名的伟大的政治家. 但我更希望中国的政治是一个科学的, 集体的, 更透明决策过程,我也希望你们可以像普京那样,骑马,钓鱼,开飞机,骑摩托车,弹钢琴,轻松潇洒一点.(blink eye)


What about catching "Tiger"? There will be new "tigers" coming out tomorrow. It is better to design and negotiate with these people and turn negatives into positive ones. Guide, not block. The power struggle is very hurtful. Once I walked on a street in Jerusalem, there was a small building at the corner of the street. There was a soldier standing at the door. Others told me that this is the residence of the President’s Salon. My mouth was wide open too big. At that time there was still human bomb in Israel. Dear Xi and Wang, you are great politicians that can have names remained in history. But I hope Chinese politics is a scientific, collective, and more transparent decision-making process. I also hope that you can ride, fish, fly, drive , play piano, and be cooler like Putin. (blink eye)







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