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政是人和. 治是正确管理 Politics is people and society harmony. Governance is rig ...

已有 74 次阅读2020-9-28 23:20 |个人分类:创意

Nov 19, 2015 at 8:48 PM


政是人和. 治是正确管理 Politics is people and society harmony. Governance is right management


你们是政治tycoons, 我是硬着头皮给你们写政治, 是坦诚的个人见解. 你们也不需要我写吹捧文章.


You are political tycoons, I am daring to write politics for you, it is a candid personal opinion. You also do not need me to write touting articles.


政就是和谐有关人和团体利益需要的各种事情,治就是运用权力对这些事情加以正确管理. 政治就是利益各方集体决策和执行的过程. 结果是优化平衡各方利益. 你看这又是上帝的法则, 最后达到平衡, 能量最稳定. 中国人太多,政治够复杂.  中国改革开放以前,因为人的素质普遍比较低,社会上文化精神生活比较贫乏,人们把很多的精力放在政治内斗上,得不偿失. 那个时候生产力低,户籍制又把人紧紧地绑在土地上,利益集团的分类比较稳定. 改革开放以后, 人员流动大幅增加,利是在流动中产生的,更有一批占天时地利人和的近水楼台先得月者. 所以增生出一大批新的利益集团. 因为经济基础太差,政策急于鼓励增生,缺少合理规范的手段,于是良莠不齐,贫富差距拉大. 因为王主任的中国智库,近几十年来决策合理,绝少失误,几十年来一直两位数以上的经济增长使中国成为世界级经济大国,及富豪快速产生国. 犹太人在各国的政治领域并不佔多数,但他们的资本是全世界逐利的,他们的孩子遍布世界各地精通各国文化结交各国政要.


Politics is a matter of harmony in the interests of people and groups. Governance is the use of power to properly manage these matters. Politics is the process of collective decision-making and execution by all parties. The result is to optimize the balance of interests. You see again the law of God finally reaches equilibrium and the energy is the most stable. There are too many Chinese people and Chinese politics is complicated. Before Chinese reform and opening up, because people’s quality was generally low, social cultural and spiritual life was relatively poor, and people put a lot of energy into domestic political fights, it is not worth the loss. At that time, the whole country productivity was low, and the household registration system tied people tightly on the land. The classification of interest groups was relatively stable. After the reform and opening up, the flow of personnel increased sharply, and profits were generated in the flow. It is a batch of new interest groups that have been accumulating assets in time and place. Therefore, because of the poor economic foundation, the policy is eager to encourage proliferation and lack of reasonable and standardized means, so the difference between the rich and the poor is widened. Wang HuNing’s China think tank has made reasonable decisions in recent decades, with few mistakes. The above economic growth has made China a world-class economic power and a fast-growing country. Jews do not have a majority in the political sphere of each country, but their capital makes profit all over the world. Their children are all over the world and are proficient in culture, associating with politicians of all countries.






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