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水晶:滑铁卢大学 CO-OP 学生

发表于 2012-12-19 06:51:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
刚在万维看到一篇新闻:滑铁卢大学面试感触 - 只有华裔才学这学那?


我工作的公司,每个学校学期,都有CO-OP 学生来,每四个月轮流一次。

1. 学生的族裔

公司是机械类制造业,主要是学机械的学生来CO-OP,和小量的IT computer 学生.  白人学生是多数,华裔,


2. 大部分CO-OP 学生都很努力,聪明,认真学习,争取学到更多的技能。我们公司给大部分学生好的实习成绩,并欢迎表现好的学生下次再来(不用training). 当公司有新的职位时,首先考虑这些 CO-OP
毕业生. 5-6次CO-OP 工作(在5年的学习期内),使学生早早知道如何工作,如何和同事合作,动手能力强。也知道挣钱不容易。

3. 这里的COOP收入倒不低。随专业/年级而不同,比最低工资高多了(最后一年的学生,可以拿到大学毕业工资的80%)。实习还有收入. 基本上CO-OP学生有能力付学费, 有些还有部分生活费,我们这一带孩子们在滑铁卢大学上学, 不花家长什么钱, 而且毕业后都找到不错的工作。



Waterloo as a world leader in co-op

Why we're a good choice:

World's largest co-op program – approximately 16,500 undergraduate co-op students
• More than twice as many students as the next largest program in the world.
• More than 120 undergraduate programs that offer co-op (80% of all programs)
• More resources and experienced staff to help you succeed.
• Canada’s largest building completely dedicated to co-operative education and career action.

4,500 regularly participating co-op employers worldwide
• That's almost a few thousand more than the next largest co-op program, so you'll have a vast selection of employers to access when you're searching for co-op jobs.

$25,000 - $74,000 - potential co-op earnings by graduation
• Waterloo’s co-op students generally have smaller student loans than regular students, because co-op earnings help pay for their education.

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